HISD hosting virtual COVID-19 vaccination town halls

COVID-19 vaccinations have been approved for children ages five and up. To answer any questions, HISD is hosting two virtual town halls providing the community the opportunity to ask vaccine questions to a panel that includes a school parent and local public health experts. One town hall will be in English and the other in Spanish.

At 6 p.m. on Tuesday Dec. 7, the Virtual COVID-19 Vaccination Town Hall will take place. register here. The experts include Dr. Luis Ostrosky, Division Chief at the Division of Infectious Diseases of the McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, Dr. Julie Boom, Texas Children’s Hospital, Dr. Armando Correa, Texas Children’s Hospital,  and Dr. Ruth López -the HISD parent whose children took part in COVID-19 vaccine trial.  Superintendent Millard House will provide welcome remarks during Tuesdays’ town hall, while Deputy Superintendent Dr. Rick Cruz will welcome audiences during Wednesday’s town hall.

For the Spanish-language virtual town hall on Wednesday Dec.8, register here.