Lights. Camera. Lead. HISD spotlights Star Educator Yasmeen Khaliq

A positive and forward-thinking educator, Yasmeen Khaliq approaches her job as principal of Daily Elementary School with an encouraging outlook and believes that every new experience is a learning opportunity. It is this mindset that makes Principal Khaliq this week’s HISD Star Educator.

When Khaliq became principal of Daily in 2023, she brought with her a culture of change as she immediately set expectations with the goal of turning the struggling campus around. Her positive outlook and trust in her students and staff has helped a greater number of Daily students meet grade-level expectations and encourages students and staff to tackle change with confidence.

Khaliq began her career in education at HISD in 2016 as an elementary school teacher and Campus Reading Specialist. She worked for several years at Ortiz Middle School as a Teacher Specialist and Magnet Coordinator before being promoted to Assistant Principal in 2021. She has been principal of Daily Elementary for just over a year. 

Khaliq holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Houston and a Masters of Education with a focus on Urban Education and Leadership from Texas A&M.

Learn more about Principal Khaliq and how she encourages students and staff at Daily Elementary to stay positive and motivated below:

Favorite subject in school: I was a child who loved school, not just for the academics, but for the sense of belonging and camaraderie from peers and teachers. I thrived on the diverse aspects of learning, becoming a chameleon in the classroom. The subjects that truly shaped my uniqueness and built my confidence were choir, printshop, humanities, and philosophy. These classes fostered my passion to learn and excel.

Favorite memory of your time with HISD: I’m incredibly proud to be both a product of HISD and a passionate educator within the district. My favorite memory thus far is seeing the smiling faces of our students and staff when they reach that pivotal moment of growth and recognize their own potential. My mother was a dedicated HISD teacher, and as her namesake, my favorite memory is watching her impact so many lives. I am honored to carry on her mission to serve all children. I strive to enhance the educational capacity of our educators to the best of my ability, continuing a legacy of dedication and excellence.

Favorite thing about Houston: What I absolutely love about Houston is its vibrant diversity. This city doesn’t just accept differences; it celebrates them. Growing up in southwest Houston, I experienced the rich tapestry of economic and ethnic diversity that introduces us to so many cultures and lifestyles. This melting pot of experiences is what makes Houston truly special. It also fuels my passion and commitment to our Daily Dragons and the community. Our school’s diversity mirrors the incredible variety and complexity of this great city, making our journey together even more meaningful.

Goal for your students and staff this upcoming school year: Our goal this year is to elevate our high-quality instruction even further. Last year, we made significant academic gains while maintaining a strong culture of mutual support and respect. This year, we’re building on that foundation, streamlining processes, and leveraging community support to create an even stronger academic environment for all our students. At Daily this year we are building brilliance block by block!