Hundreds of volunteers at 24 HISD high schools spent Saturday morning knocking on doors across Houston encouraging students who have not returned to school this academic year to re-enroll. The outreach effort was part of the 10th Annual Grads Within Reach Walk which led to 47 HISD students deciding to return to school immediately and many more promising to give school another try.
“We want these students to know we are here to help them get back in school and graduate, regardless of their circumstances,” HISD Assistant Superintendent of Dropout Prevention Jaime Castañeda said. “HISD offers a variety of programs to meet the needs of every student.”
HISD administrators, caseworkers and volunteers met with nearly 500 families to talk to them about the various options that HISD offers to help students get back in school and graduate. The students and their parents learned about the Grad Labs online credit recovery program and the Twilight High Schools around the city which offer flexible night and weekend hours.
Students who expressed an interest in pursuing career and technical education programs, learned about HISD’s new Futures Academies which give students the opportunities to receive career training from professors at Houston Community College while earning career certifications and a college associate’s degree.