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Weekly Teacher Download for January 20

2020 January 17
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by HISD Communications

Souper Bowl of Caring: In partnership with Souper Bowl of Caring and the Houston Food Bank, all HISD schools and members of Team HISD are invited to participate in the 2020 Souper Bowl of Caring, a youth-led, national food drive that mobilizes thousands of young people to fight hunger and poverty in their communities. Staff and students are asked to collect food donations until February 10 and/or volunteer at your local food bank or hunger-relief charities. For more information, click here.


Student Assessment Summit: The Student Assessment Department will be hosting a 2020 Spring Student Assessment Summit on February 29 from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. at Lawson Middle School (1400 Stancliff St., 77045). Sessions will focus on how to make summative and formative connections to STAAR and will include state accountability, designated supports, TEKS monitoring, data tracking systems, as well as critical reports for teachers and leaders. Register today in OneSource, course #1440130. For more information, click here.

Schedule a Pilot Visit at Your Campus: Do you want a pilot or aerospace professional to visits your campus? the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP) is offering HISD schools the opportunity to have an actual airline pilot and business professional to come to your campus and discuss careers in aerospace and beyond during the month of February, as part of the district’s Black History Month celebration. Visits will take place from February 17-21 at either 9-11 a.m. or Noon-2 p.m. Due to popular demand there will be only 50 slots available, first-come, first-served. If interested, click here.  

Digital Literacy Moments Challenge: Digital Literacy Moments Challenge: The Education Technology team invites students K-12 to work as teams to produce a 60-90 second digital animation and/or video, highlighting important tips about how to be safe online. “Digital Safety Moments” can be produced in any format, including live video, animation or a sequence of narrated images. Deadline for submissions is March 29. For more information on the challenge, click here.

HAABE Teacher of the Year Competition: The Houston Area Association for Bilingual Education (HAABE) has invited the district to participate in the annual HAABE Teacher of the Year (TOY) Banquet, which means elementary, middle and high school campuses may select one Bilingual and/or one ESL Teacher of the Year to represent their campus. The HISD TOY Bilingual and ESL representatives will then compete at the Houston-area level for HAABE Bilingual and ESL Teacher of the Year. Each year, HAABE recognizes outstanding bilingual and ESL educators from Houston. For detailed information, please view application packet. Nominations and recommendation letters must be submitted by January 31.

Inaugural Arts Integration Summit: The HISD Fine Arts Department is presenting the inaugural Arts Integration Summit at Wharton Dual Language Academy on Saturday, February 8 from 9 A.M.-1:00 P.M. The sessions will provide opportunities for elementary and secondary foundation teachers to develop art-focused lesson plans that create opportunities to check for understanding (I-2) and differentiate (I-3) their instruction within a student-centered lesson (I-1). Arts Integration practices build on good teaching strategies and can provide seasoned teachers opportunities to expand their teaching toolkit and growing teachers to work on areas of their craft in a supportive and engaging manner. Teachers that are preregistered and attend the summit will receive arts integration supplies and resources for their classroom. Please encourage your teachers to register in OneSource, course #1440087.


Elementary Math and Science Summit: The Elementary Curriculum and Development Department is excited to announce the 2020 Elementary Math and Science Summit on February 1 from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. at Northside High School (1101 Quitman St., 77009). This professional development opportunity is intended to support elementary math and science teachers in kindergarten through fifth grade. The summit will feature a variety of sessions on math and science instruction presented by HISD teachers, Teacher Development Specialists, Curriculum Specialists, and local experts. Register in OneSource, course #1376002. Click here for the flyer.

Literacy X3 REBOOT: In partnership with Scholastic, the Elementary Curriculum and Instruction Office will provide and facilitate a two, non-consecutive, full-day trainings for the district’s Literacy X3 Reboot beginning January 13 through May 7 at HISD Educational Learning Center (10725 Mesa Dr., 77078). All kindergarten through third-grade teachers will attend one dull-day of professional learning to build core knowledge around Guided Reading which includes an emphasis on early word work skills and setting up an engaged literacy focused classroom in January or February. Teachers will attend the professional learning sessions with their grade level band.  Schools may choose to stagger the teachers in attendance or send them on the same day in grade level teams for both rounds of professional learning. For more information, click here.


Upcoming CTE Trainings: The CTE department is hosting several professional development opportunities for January 2020.  Automotive teachers are encouraged to register for “WIGU Competition” to discuss a great opportunity for students to compete in April. Teachers are encouraged to register in OneSource, course #1440020.  Workforce Solutions will deliver a training on resume writing for the workforce, where participants will learn strategies for developing resumes for students as they prepare for employment.  Those interested, can register in OneSource, course #1441011.  STEM teachers are encouraged to register for a two-day event to enhance their skills in AutoCAD in OneSource, course #1440103.  All teachers are encouraged to attend a one-day training on sheltered instruction and literacy routines for English learners in OneSource, course #1441024.  For more information, click here.

Schools and staff encouraged to participate in the Souper Bowl of Caring

2020 January 13
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by HISD Communications

In partnership with Souper Bowl of Caring and the Houston Food Bank, all HISD schools and members of Team HISD are invited to participate in the 2020 Souper Bowl of Caring, a youth-led, national food drive that mobilizes thousands of young people to fight hunger and poverty in their communities.

Beginning Jan. 14, one of the nation’s largest celebrations of serving and giving will raise awareness and tackle hunger in communities. There are five ways to participate: 

  1. Collect food donations between January 14 through February 10.
  2. Bring collection of canned goods to Strategic Partnerships Level 1SE, or drop in the designated boxes located in the main lobby area entrances.
  3. Donate 100 percent of your collection to support our most needy students and families through our Wraparound and Homeless Departments.
  4. Involve your students as volunteers at your local food bank or other hunger-relief charities. For help coordinating, call Houston Food Bank at 713-547-8604.
  5. Report collection results to the Souper Bowl of Caring website: to be included in the national total, which is over $10 million every year!

The food drive donations collected at Hattie Mae White (4400 West 18th St., 77092) will benefit two of our programs: the HISD Homeless Office and Wraparound services food pantries. A food drive is a simple service-learning experience that addresses the most important way to support our families in need. 

Please notify Tarah Davis of food donation drop-offs at

Weekly Teacher Download for January 13

2020 January 10
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by HISD Communications

HAABE Teacher of the Year Competition: The Houston Area Association for Bilingual Education (HAABE) has invited the district to participate in the annual HAABE Teacher of the Year (TOY) Banquet, which means elementary, middle and high school campuses may select one Bilingual and/or one ESL Teacher of the Year to represent their campus. The HISD TOY Bilingual and ESL representatives will then compete at the Houston-area level for HAABE Bilingual and ESL Teacher of the Year. Each year, HAABE recognizes outstanding bilingual and ESL educators from Houston. For detailed information, please view application packet. Nominations and recommendation letters must be submitted by January 31.


President Awards for Excellence in Teaching: The National Science Foundation, under the direction of the White House, approves the Texas candidates as finalists for the national Presidential Awards for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching (PAEMST) award. This year’s awards will honor science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and/or computer science teachers working in grades K-6. To nominate a teacher, by March 1, visit Texas State PAEMST Coordinators at For Texas nominees who submit an application, they will receive 25 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours. If chosen as a national winner, the state finalists will receive $10,000 and an all-expense-paid trip for two to Washington D.C. for ceremonies that include recognition from the President of the United States. For more information, click here.

Inaugural Arts Integration Summit: The HISD Fine Arts Department is presenting the inaugural Arts Integration Summit at Wharton Dual Language Academy on Saturday, February 8 from 9 A.M.-1:00 P.M. The sessions will provide opportunities for elementary and secondary foundation teachers to develop art-focused lesson plans that create opportunities to check for understanding (I-2) and differentiate (I-3) their instruction within a student-centered lesson (I-1). Arts Integration practices build on good teaching strategies and can provide seasoned teachers opportunities to expand their teaching toolkit and growing teachers to work on areas of their craft in a supportive and engaging manner. Teachers that are preregistered and attend the summit will receive arts integration supplies and resources for their classroom. Please encourage your teachers to register in OneSource, course #1440087.

Multilingual Programs PD: In collaboration with Seidlitz Education and ELLevation Education, Multilingual Programs will offer Sheltered Instruction and Instructional Strategies Professional Development in January and February for teachers who serve English Learners.  The goal is to equip all teachers who serve the needs of English Learners, Newcomers, and SIFE students with the best research-based practices. Participants will leave equipped with simple and flexible strategies for daily use to engage all students across content areas in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and thinking in every classroom.For more information and OneSource course numbers, click here.

Foundational Courses EL Teachers: In an effort to increase our support for ELs, the Multilingual Department will provide important information and strategies for teachers to implement in their classrooms. Teachers will understand the foundational and essentials in English Language acquisition. Click here to view dates, locations and OneSource course numbers.

Referral Campaign for APs and Deans: The Leadership Recruitment team is launching an AP/Dean Candidate Referral Campaign for assistant principals and deans. If you know an exceptional candidate who would be a great assistant principal or dean for an HISD school, submit an assistant principal referral form to the campus leadership and selection team by January 31.  All candidates nominated will receive information about the campus leadership selection process as well as instructions on how to apply to the HISD Assistant Principal Pool. Candidates must posses a valid Texas Principal Certification and have a minimum of three years exemplary teaching experience.


Literacy X3 REBOOT: In partnership with Scholastic, the Elementary Curriculum and Instruction Office will provide and facilitate a two, non-consecutive, full-day trainings for the district’s Literacy X3 Reboot beginning January 13 through May 7 at HISD Educational Learning Center (10725 Mesa Dr., 77078). All kindergarten through third-grade teachers will attend one dull-day of professional learning to build core knowledge around Guided Reading which includes an emphasis on early word work skills and setting up an engaged literacy focused classroom in January or February. Teachers will attend the professional learning sessions with their grade level band.  Schools may choose to stagger the teachers in attendance or send them on the same day in grade level teams for both rounds of professional learning. For more information, click here.


Early Release PD Offerings: For spring 2020, the Secondary Curriculum and Development department will continue offering professional development sessions during early release Fridays.  The sessions will focus on “planning instruction with mastery in mind” with the sessions kicking off January 17 from 2-4 p.m. at Deady Middle School (2500 Broadway St., 77012), Scarborough High School (4141 Costa Rica Rd., 77092), and South Early College High School (1930 Airport Blvd., 77051). The January training will include sessions with a special emphasis on Grade 8 Social Studies, Biology, and Algebra I. The February training will include sessions addressing all five STAAR End-of-Course (EOC) examinations. Teachers and campus leaders can find detailed information on sessions and course numbers, here.

Upcoming CTE Trainings: The CTE department is hosting several professional development opportunities for January 2020.  Automotive teachers are encouraged to register for “WIGU Competition” to discuss a great opportunity for students to compete in April. Teachers are encouraged to register in OneSource, course #1440020.  Workforce Solutions will deliver a training on resume writing for the workforce, where participants will learn strategies for developing resumes for students as they prepare for employment.  Those interested, can register in OneSource, course #1441011.  STEM teachers are encouraged to register for a two-day event to enhance their skills in AutoCAD in OneSource, course #1440103.  All teachers are encouraged to attend a one-day training on sheltered instruction and literacy routines for English learners in OneSource, course #1441024.  For more information, click here.

Weekly Teacher Download for January 6

2019 December 20
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by HISD Communications

HAABE Teacher of the Year Competition: The Houston Area Association for Bilingual Education (HAABE) has invited the district to participate in the annual HAABE Teacher of the Year (TOY) Banquet, which means elementary, middle and high school campuses may select one Bilingual and/or one ESL Teacher of the Year to represent their campus. The HISD TOY Bilingual and ESL representatives will then compete at the Houston-area level for HAABE Bilingual and ESL Teacher of the Year. Each year, HAABE recognizes outstanding bilingual and ESL educators from Houston. For detailed information, please view application packet. Nominations and recommendation letters must be submitted by January 31.


Multilingual Programs PD: In collaboration with Seidlitz Education and ELLevation Education, Multilingual Programs will offer Sheltered Instruction and Instructional Strategies Professional Development in January and February for teachers who serve English Learners.  The goal is to equip all teachers who serve the needs of English Learners, Newcomers, and SIFE students with the best research-based practices. Participants will leave equipped with simple and flexible strategies for daily use to engage all students across content areas in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and thinking in every classroom.For more information and OneSource course numbers, click here.

Foundational Courses EL Teachers: In an effort to increase our support for ELs, the Multilingual Department will provide important information and strategies for teachers to implement in their classrooms. Teachers will understand the foundational and essentials in English Language acquisition. Click here to view dates, locations and OneSource course numbers.

Referral Campaign for APs and Deans: The Leadership Recruitment team is launching an AP/Dean Candidate Referral Campaign for assistant principals and deans. If you know an exceptional candidate who would be a great assistant principal or dean for an HISD school, submit an assistant principal referral form to the campus leadership and selection team by January 31.  All candidates nominated will receive information about the campus leadership selection process as well as instructions on how to apply to the HISD Assistant Principal Pool. Candidates must posses a valid Texas Principal Certification and have a minimum of three years exemplary teaching experience.


Early Release PD Offerings: For spring 2020, the Secondary Curriculum and Development department will continue offering professional development sessions during early release Fridays.  The sessions will focus on “planning instruction with mastery in mind” with the sessions kicking off January 17 from 2-4 p.m. at Deady Middle School (2500 Broadway St., 77012), Scarborough High School (4141 Costa Rica Rd., 77092), and South Early College High School (1930 Airport Blvd., 77051). The January training will include sessions with a special emphasis on Grade 8 Social Studies, Biology, and Algebra I. The February training will include sessions addressing all five STAAR End-of-Course (EOC) examinations. Teachers and campus leaders can find detailed information on sessions and course numbers, here.

Student Election Clerk Opportunity: Are you interested in giving your students a firsthand look at the democratic process? In Texas, high school students aged 16 years and older can get paid ($17 an hour) to work at the polling locations on Election Day. Please encourage students to apply as an election clerk in the upcoming March 3, 2020 Democratic and Republican Party Primary Elections. Students should apply by January 31 to be placed at a location close to their house as well as have first pick of training classes. For more information on qualifications, click here. If a student expresses interest, please have them complete this permission slip.

NASA Wear STEM Challenge: NASA is offering middle and high school students the opportunity to design wearable radiation countermeasures for deep space exploration. Through the NASA WEAR STEM Challenge, students can join the challenge by January 24 and participate in NASA’s exploration of deep space by designing equipment that will protect Artemis astronauts from high-energy charged particles and solar particle events (SPE), which are important to exploration. During the challenge, teams will participate in webinars to learn more about deep space radiation and the development of countermeasures. The challenge ends with the submission of video proposals from registered teams.  For more information, click here.

JASON Student Argonaut Applications: JASON Learning’s Argonaut Program is currently accepting applications for students interested in representing HISD on a scientific expedition at various sites around the world. Previous expeditions include the Amazon, Costa Rica, and more. During the expedition, students will be able to work side-by-side with scientists and engineers on STEM-related projects and share their experience with their community and school upon their return. For further eligibility requirements and where to apply, click here. If you have questions, contact Rene Flores at

Upcoming CTE Trainings: The CTE department is hosting a two-day Auto CAD training on January 21 and January 28 at Barbara Jordan Career Center (5800 Eastex Fwy., 77026). Those interested can register for both dates in OneSource using course number, #1440103. Automotive teachers are invited to attend two informational sessions on January 17 and February 14 to discuss the Automotive Competition.  If interested, register in OneSource course, #1440020.  Workforce Solutions is offering a half-day training on January 17 for Workforce—Resume Writing. Register in OneSource course, #1441011. Region 4 ESC is hosting two CTE trainings—Employ Ability Skills on January 14 and CTE & Special Education on January 22. If interested, please contact your CTE Specialist to register.

Weekly Teacher Download for December 16

2019 December 13
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by HISD Communications

Elementary Science Teacher Award: In an effort to support the district’s goal to increase student achievement, the Elementary Curriculum & Development department has partnered with Alliantgroup to recognize the district’s most outstanding elementary science teachers. Exemplary elementary science teachers may be nominated by a campus leader, a colleague, or self-nominate by completing the nomination form by January 3. 


Referral Campaign for APs and Deans: The Leadership Recruitment team is launching an AP/Dean Candidate Referral Campaign for assistant principals and deans. If you know an exceptional candidate who would be a great assistant principal or dean for an HISD school, submit an assistant principal referral form to the campus leadership and selection team by January 31.  All candidates nominated will receive information about the campus leadership selection process as well as instructions on how to apply to the HISD Assistant Principal Pool. Candidates must posses a valid Texas Principal Certification and have a minimum of three years exemplary teaching experience.

Vaping Prevention Week: The district will recognize Vaping Prevention Week from December 16-20, and in an effort to highlight the dangers and risks associated with vaping and e-cigarette use among youths, HISD campuses will be focusing on a different activity each day. Teachers are encouraged to create daily classroom activities that bring awareness to vaping and e-cigarette use. During Vaping Prevention Week, share your photos, videos, and messages of support on social media using #SayNoToVaping and #HISDEmpowers. Let’s spread the word to raise awareness and send the message that vaping and e-cigarettes are dangerous and pose risks to the health of children. Click here for more detailed information.

12 Days of Code: HISD is celebrating 12 Days of Code  from December 2-17 with interactive calendars that allow them to engage in a new coding experience every day.  HISD’s 12 Days of Code coincides with Computer Science Education Week, which is December 9-15. During this time, students and the greater HISD community are encouraged to join the worldwide movement and try one hour of coding as an introduction to computer science.  Through this “Hour of Code,” students are challenged to think critically and solve problems as they learn the basics of computer programming. For more information, click here.

Let’s Connect: In HISD, we believe you cannot educate a child without taking care of the WHOLE child, and that includes promoting and offering supports for positive mental and physical health. The Office of Student Support Services offers resources and helpful information on issues students are facing – including vaping, human trafficking, suicide prevention, and bullying prevention – through a program called Let’s Connect. The Let’s Connect initiative encourages students in HISD to reach out to a trusted adult on their campus, such as a teacher, social worker, nurse, counselor, principal, or librarian. To learn more about Let’s Connect, click here.

Toys for Tots: All HISD employees and schools are invited to participate in Toys for Tots, the Marine Corps’ premier community action program with donations of new and unwrapped toys. We encourage schools and departments to select a coordinator, who can track collection efforts and complete the collection report form, to coordinate the drop-off at the Hattie Mae White (4400 West 18th St., 77092) by Tuesday, December 18. Coordinators should bring the complete form and all collected toys to the Strategic Partnerships Department, located at Level 1 SE at Hattie Mae White. Before drop-off, please email your collection forms and notify Tarah Davis when you will be dropping of your toy collection at


JASON Student Argonaut Applications: JASON Learning’s Argonaut Program is currently accepting applications for students interested in representing HISD on a scientific expedition at various sites around the world. Previous expeditions include the Amazon, Costa Rica, and more. During the expedition, students will be able to work side-by-side with scientists and engineers on STEM-related projects and share their experience with their community and school upon their return. For further eligibility requirements and where to apply, click here. If you have questions, contact Rene Flores at

Upcoming CTE Trainings: The CTE department is hosting a two-day Auto CAD training on January 14 and January 21 at Barbara Jordan Career Center (5800 Eastex Fwy., 77026). For those interested, registration will open soon. Automotive teachers are invited to attend two informational sessions on January 17 and February 14 to discuss the Automotive Competition. Those interested, should register in OneSource, course #1440020.

Alliantgroup’s Elementary Science Teacher Award

2019 December 10
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by HISD Communications

In an effort to support the district’s goal to increase student achievement, the Elementary Curriculum & Development department has partnered with Alliantgroup to recognize the district’s most outstanding elementary science teachers.

The Houston ISD/Alliantgroup ESTA award will be given to a total of six teachers, with a regional Teacher Development Specialist playing a significant role in the implementation, follow-up and observation of teacher candidates.  Area finalists will receive a cash award as well as additional funds to be used towards classroom materials and supplies to support science teaching and learning.

Exemplary elementary science teachers may be nominated by a campus leader, a colleague, or self-nominate by completing the nomination form by Friday, January 24. 

Follow-up and implementation will be done in accordance with a completed finalist selection and nomination process by April 3, 2020.

To nominate yourself or a teacher, click here.

Weekly Teacher Download for December 9

2019 December 6
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by HISD Communications

District Advisory Committee Voting Extension: Cast your vote in the District Advisory Committee elections for district and campus-based employees by Friday, December 13. Campus-based professional employees have two votes: One vote is for a “Classroom Teacher” and one vote is for an “Other Campus-Level Professional”. Central Office Employees will be able to vote for one Central Office nominee and may elect one person from the Central Office group. For more detailed information, click here.


12 Days of Code: HISD is celebrating 12 Days of Code  from December 2-17 with interactive calendars that allow them to engage in a new coding experience every day.  HISD’s 12 Days of Code coincides with Computer Science Education Week, which is December 9-15. During this time, students and the greater HISD community are encouraged to join the worldwide movement and try one hour of coding as an introduction to computer science.  Through this “Hour of Code,” students are challenged to think critically and solve problems as they learn the basics of computer programming. For more information, click here.

Vaping Prevention Week: The district will recognize Vaping Prevention Week from December 16-20, and in an effort to highlight the dangers and risks associated with vaping and e-cigarette use among youths with HISD campuses focusing on a different activity each day. Teachers are encouraged to create daily classroom activities that bring awareness to vaping and e-cigarette use. During Vaping Prevention Week, share your photos, videos, and messages of support on social media using #SayNoToVaping and #HISDEmpowers. Let’s spread the word to raise awareness and send the message that vaping and e-cigarettes are dangerous and pose risks to the health of children. Click here for more detailed information.

Nominate a math teacher: Do you know a math teacher on your campus that’s hitting it out of the park in the classroom? The Houston Astros and ConocoPhillips have teamed up once again for the Math Teacher of the Month program for the 2020 baseball season.  Teachers and school administrators, along with students and parents can nominate the teacher of their choice now through December 15, here.

Teaching Social Studies and Science to ELL: Multilingual Programs will bring two Seidlitz authors—Tina Beene and Dr. Stephen Fleenor. On January 27, Dr. Stephen Fleenor, author of “Teaching Science to English Language Learners (ELs)”,will show educators how to implement and foster academic language development and comprehension of science scaffolding each language proficiency level creating an environment where English Language Learners thrive. Tina Beene, author of “Teaching Social Studies to English Language Learners (ELs)”, will offer an overview of an in-depth approach to differentiating in the secondary social studies classroom on February 11. If interested in the workshop on Science, register in OneSource, course #1438195. If interested in workshop on Social Studies, register in OneSource, course #1438190. Participants will receive a copy of the book.

Training for Bilingual and Dual Language Teachers: In order to improve English language acquisition of the district’s Spanish speaking students, the Multilingual Department will host two sessions with Seidlitz Education Expert, Dr. Monica Lara on December 10 at Hattie Mae White, Room 2E02 (4400 West 18th St., 77092). Dr. Lara will offer two sessions completely in Spanish to ensure Bilingual and Spanish teachers have a better understanding on how to teach academic Spanish implementing second language acquisition methods, this methodology includes oral and written language development which in turn will allow transfer to the students’ second language. Pre-K through second grade teachers can register for the 8:30-11:30 a.m. session in OneSource, course #1438130. Third- through fifth-grade teachers can register for the 12:30-3:30 p.m. session in OneSource, course #1438132. For more information, click here.

Toys for Tots: All HISD employees and schools are invited to participate in Toys for Tots, the Marine Corps’ premier community action program with donations of new and unwrapped toys. We encourage schools and departments to select a coordinator, who can track collection efforts and complete the collection report form, to coordinate the drop-off at the Hattie Mae White (4400 West 18th St., 77092) by Tuesday, December 18. Coordinators should bring the complete form and all collected toys to the Strategic Partnerships Department, located at Level 1 SE at Hattie Mae White. Before drop-off, please email your collection forms and notify Tarah Davis when you will be dropping of your toy collection at

SPED Cohort Application Extension: The Office of Special Education Services (OSES) is still seeking qualified Special Education (SPED) teachers and other instructional professionals with Special Education certification to apply for Aspiring Program Specialist and Aspiring Department Chair Cohorts, also known as A.S.C.E.L. Those interested, should apply by the December 15.  The purpose of the aspiring cohorts is to develop a pool of potential SPED leaders to provide timely and relevant instructional support and services to campus leaders, special education teachers, staff and other stakeholders who serve students with disabilities. To apply, click here.

HISD Master Training Catalog: Haven’t found a training suited for you? The HISD Master Training Catalog for teachers and leaders is currently available through December 2019. To view a complete list, click here.


Pre-K MOY CIRCLE Assessment: The MOY assessment window has been extended to allow additional time to complete before January 31. This year, the window will open on December 16 with completion rates by campuses being monitored so a proactive plan of action is recommended. If needed, there will be hosting a CIRCLE Assessment 101 training on December 9 and December 12 from 4-5 p.m. to provide support for new PK teachers and/or Tier II administrators as they administer and monitor completion. If interested in the training, register in OneSource, course #1440093.

Rodeo Decorating Contest: The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo (HLSR) has partnered with HISD once again to distribute activity coloring booklets to third graders. The booklets will be delivered to schools between December 9-18, which are now TEKS aligned and reinforce the pillars of the HLSR. Students are encouraged to decorate the last page of the booklet and enter it into a contest for a chance to win ground passes to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Submitted entries will also be placed on display in the AGventure area during the Rodeo. Instructions for the contest appear on the last page of the activity booklet. All entries must be received no later than February 7, 2020. For questions or additional information, please contact Elizabeth Rozier at


Study Abroad Opportunity: The Puranik Foundation, an official HISD partner, will offer full and partial scholarship opportunities for students and incentives for HISD faculty and staff to join students on the trip. Puranik will also provide need and merit-based partial scholarships to students. Those interested, can apply for the Spring Break trip, here by December 10. Puranik is a non-profit organization established in 2000 that runs a residential school – Vision International – for underprivileged students in India. Their flagship program in the U.S., Impact India, was initiated in 2015 as a way to give students across Houston international experiences and to create a cultural bridge between the United States and India. To learn more about the program, click here.

ELLevation Training: Multilingual Programs has partnered with ELLevation Education to provide instructional strategies for ELs training for secondary teachers on January 7 and January 28. There will be multiple session held each day that will introduce the Sheltered Instruction Dashboard coupled with instructional activities tailored for ELsto make differentiated instruction simple for classroom teachers. Participants will leave equipped with simple and flexible strategies for daily use to engage all students across content areas in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking in every classroom.  Those interested can receive additional information and register in OneSource, course #1440052.

Upcoming CTE Trainings: The CTE department is hosting a two-day Auto CAD training on January 14 and January 21 at Barbara Jordan Career Center (5800 Eastex Fwy., 77026). For those interested, registration will open soon. Automotive teachers are invited to attend two informational sessions on January 17 and February 14 to discuss the Automotive Competition. Those interested, should register in OneSource, course #1440020.

Weekly Teacher Download for December 2

2019 November 22
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by HISD Communications

District Advisory Committee Voting: Cast your vote in the District Advisory Committee elections for district and campus-based employees beginning Monday, Nov. 18 to Friday, Dec. 6. Campus-based professional employees have two votes: One vote is for a “Classroom Teacher” and one vote is for an “Other Campus-Level Professional”. Central Office Employees will be able to vote for one Central Office nominee and may elect one person from the Central Office group. For more detailed information, click here.


Toys for Tots: All HISD employees and schools are invited to participate in Toys for Tots, the Marine Corps’ premier community action program with donations of new and unwrapped toys. We encourage schools and departments to select a coordinator, who can track collection efforts and complete the collection report form, to coordinate the drop-off at the Hattie Mae White (4400 West 18th St., 77092) by Tuesday, December 18. Coordinators should bring the complete form and all collected toys to the Strategic Partnerships Department, located at Level 1 SE at Hattie Mae White. Before drop-off, please email your collection forms and notify Tarah Davis when you will be dropping of your toy collection at

SPED Cohort Application Extension: The Office of Special Education Services (OSES) is still seeking qualified Special Education (SPED) teachers and other instructional professionals with Special Education certification to apply for Aspiring Program Specialist and Aspiring Department Chair Cohorts, also known as A.S.C.E.L. Those interested, should apply by the December 15.  The purpose of the aspiring cohorts is to develop a pool of potential SPED leaders to provide timely and relevant instructional support and services to campus leaders, special education teachers, staff and other stakeholders who serve students with disabilities. To apply, click here.

DREAM Summit: All HISD DREAMers, DACA recipients, visa holders, permanent residents, refugees, and asylum grantees along with their parents are cordially invited to attend the DREAM Summit on Saturday, December 7 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at Hattie Mae White (4400 West 18th St., 77092). Attendees can learn how to successfully complete your college applications, apply for financial aid, and how to make the most of your college experience. The event will also include a college and resource fair with information about Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals information, university programs, financial assistance, and community resources. During this event, five twelfth-grade students will win $500 scholarships for college. For more information, click here. To share the flyer in Spanish, click here.

HISD Master Training Catalog: Haven’t found a training suited for you? The HISD Master Training Catalog for teachers and leaders is currently available through December 2019. To view a complete list, click here.


Fueling Education Student Challenge: ​In partnership with Discovery Education, CITGO is excited to announce the launch of their new Fueling Education Student Challenge for students in fifth to eighth grades. For the challenge, students may work individually or in groups up to four, to solve a problem in their community that aligns to one of four United Nations Sustainability Development Goals. Students must submit a one to two-minute video detailing the identified problem and their STEM solution by February 13, 2020. Teachers can review classroom resources material that will help students brainstorm for the challenge. Students participation required parental consent. For additional details, click here.

Rodeo Decorating Contest: The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo (HLSR) has partnered with HISD once again to distribute activity coloring booklets to third graders. The booklets will be delivered to schools between December 9-18, which are now TEKS aligned and reinforce the pillars of the HLSR. Students are encouraged to decorate the last page of the booklet and enter it into a contest for a chance to win ground passes to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Submitted entries will also be placed on display in the AGventure area during the Rodeo. Instructions for the contest appear on the last page of the activity booklet. All entries must be received no later than February 7, 2020. For questions or additional information, please contact Elizabeth Rozier at


Study Abroad Opportunity: The Puranik Foundation, an official HISD partner, will offer full and partial scholarship opportunities for students and incentives for HISD faculty and staff to join students on the trip. Puranik will also provide need and merit-based partial scholarships to students. Those interested, can apply for the Spring Break trip, here by December 10. Puranik is a non-profit organization established in 2000 that runs a residential school – Vision International – for underprivileged students in India. Their flagship program in the U.S., Impact India, was initiated in 2015 as a way to give students across Houston international experiences and to create a cultural bridge between the United States and India. To learn more about the program, click here.

ELLevation Training: Multilingual Programs has partnered with ELLevation Education to provide instructional strategies for ELs training for secondary teachers on January 7 and January 28. There will be multiple session held each day that will introduce the Sheltered Instruction Dashboard coupled with instructional activities tailored for ELsto make differentiated instruction simple for classroom teachers. Participants will leave equipped with simple and flexible strategies for daily use to engage all students across content areas in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking in every classroom.  Those interested can receive additional information and register in OneSource, course #1440052.

Upcoming CTE Trainings: The CTE department is hosting a two-day Auto CAD training on January 14 and January 21 at Barbara Jordan Career Center (5800 Eastex Fwy., 77026). For those interested, registration will open soon. Automotive teachers are invited to attend two informational sessions on January 17 and February 14 to discuss the Automotive Competition. Those interested, should register in OneSource, course #1440020.

Monthly Superintendent Principals and Tier II Meeting

2019 November 20
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by HISD Communications

Attention Principals and Tier II Leaders:

Please note you will have a combined meeting on Wednesday, December 4 at HISD Educational Learning Center (10725 Mesa Dr., Houston, TX 77078).

Make a Toy Donation by December 18

2019 November 19
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by HISD Communications

HISD employees and schools are invited to participate in the Toys for Tots program, which is the Marine Corps’ premier community action program. When you bring new and unwrapped toys, HISD staff can receive a jean pass at Strategic Partnerships Department. 

Toys should be dropped off at the Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center to the Strategic Partnerships Department by December 18, 2019. This year the HISD Homeless Dept. will be one of the beneficiaries for the Toys for Tots program!

We encourage participating schools and departments to select a coordinator to help track the department’s or school’s collection. For schools collecting toys, please fill out the collection report form using the link, and bring toy collection to the Strategic Partnerships Department, Level 1 SE no later than 4 p.m. on December 18. ONLY schools need to fill out the collection form.

Marines, with the aid of local social welfare agencies and churches, will distribute the toys to children from economically challenged families on Christmas Day. The ultimate success of the Toys for Tots program depends on the support of Houston citizens, which is why we encourage HISD employees to participate and make this the most successful year.

Schools ONLY: please notify Tarah to schedule the toy donation drop-off at