HISD Fine Arts students and teachers raise childhood cancer awareness with gallery show

HISD art students and their instructors gathered at the Asia Society Texas gallery for a unique art showcase on Wednesday, Oct. 28. Students created artwork using the color gold, signifying childhood cancer awareness. The art show is HISD’s third annual collaboration with the Faris Foundation and Asia Society Texas as part of an educational campaign called Let There Be Gold. The showcase, Threads of Gold, was designed to empower student creatives to raise awareness around childhood cancer and utilize art to enact community engagement and social change.

According to the American Childhood Cancer Organization, gold was chosen for the campaign because it’s a precious metal, reflective of the most precious thing in our lives: our children.

At the beginning of the school year, HISD art teachers attended a professional development course at Asia Society Texas led by one of the society’s teaching artists. The teachers learned about the symbolism of the color gold, its place in art history, and how they could incorporate it into their lessons to help their students create golden works of art for the showcase.

More than 75 HISD campuses and 90 art teachers participated in Threads of Gold this year with more than 250 pieces of gold-themed student artwork exhibited.

“We are always honored to be able to contribute beautiful artwork to a wonderful Threads of Gold display,” said Carnegie Vanguard High School Principal Ramon Moss. “We appreciate being a part of spreading awareness through the Faris Foundation.”

All of the featured artists received a certificate denoting their artistic achievements and their contribution to advocating for childhood cancer awareness through visual art.

To learn more about Threads of Gold, visit the Faris Foundation website, and to keep up with HISD’s Fine Arts Department, visit their website or follow Fine Arts Curriculum Coordinator Chandel Bonner-Hancock on Twitter.