Lights. Camera. Lead. HISD spotlights Star Educator Reggie Bush

Reggie Bush is deeply connected to the cultural diversity at Wisdom High School, where he serves as principal. All seven continents are represented in Wisdom’s student body, and maintaining a learning environment that helps students from all walks of life thrive is what makes Principal Bush this week’s HISD Star Educator.

Bush began his career with HISD teaching social studies at Williams Middle School. He later served as assistant principal and after school coordinator in the Acres Homes Coalition, and then as assistant principal of Burrus Elementary and principal of Kashmere Gardens. He became principal of Kashmere High School in 2018 and was instrumental in the school’s accountability growth.

Bush says the New Education System (NES) has been great for Wisdom High School, with a 19% gain in student performance in math, 28% in science, as well as increases in ELA and social studies. 

Learn more about Principal Bush and how the NES model serves the students at Wisdom High School below:

Favorite subject in school: Biology.

Favorite memory of your time with HISD: Leading the team that removed Kashmere High School out of improvement required to a C rated campus with two distinctions. #KashmereOut2019

Favorite thing about Houston: The diversity of the people and the proximity to other major cities such as Dallas, New Orleans, Austin, and San Antonio. There are also wonderful places to eat and enjoy downtime.

Goal for your students and staff this upcoming school year: Students. My goal for students is that all students will have an opportunity to be in their correct grade and excel academically. I also want students to have a high level of engagement in clubs, athletics and all the things that make school fun. Staff. I want all staff to be comfortable with their craft, and I want to work on building leadership capacity so they are better prepared for promotion and to serve the Wisdom community.