Lights. Camera. Lead. HISD spotlights Star Educator Luis Landa

Dr. Luis Landa served as the principal of Sharpstown International High School for two years before becoming the Executive Director of Feeder for HISD’s West Division. He oversaw significant achievement growth at the campus, and his dedication to his students and staff and belief that everyone who passes through Sharpstown’s doors has the potential for greatness is what makes him this week’s HISD Star Educator.

Sharpstown International is true to its name, with a majority of the student body English as a Second Language (ESL) students who speak other languages at home. With an accountability rating of a high B, Sharpstown has shown consistent growth, thanks in no small part to Landa’s leadership.

Landa began his career in education at HISD as a science teacher at McReynolds Middle School. He has since served as a teacher specialist at Henry Middle School, assistant principal at Austin High School, and as principal at Sutton Elementary and Chavez High School. 

Landa holds a bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Texas at San Antonio, a master’s in Curriculum and Instruction form the University of St. Thomas, and a doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of Houston. 

Learn more about how HISD’s season of change has reawoken Dr. Landa’s instructional abilities below:

Favorite subject in school: My favorite subjects in school were both math and science. I loved exploring scientific phenomena and always wanted to know “why” things occurred. I also really enjoyed being challenged with problem solving in math. Once I made connections with both disciplines, such as in physics and calculus courses, I was even more drawn to the subjects.

Favorite memory of your time with HISD: I have served our district as a teacher, teacher specialist, assistant principal, elementary, middle, and high school principal, and now, executive director, and so, this question is extremely hard to answer. I have so many wonderful memories in HISD surrounding feeling impactful and making a difference with student achievement. However, if I had to pinpoint a memory, I would say graduation. I have been blessed to be a part of and lead many student graduations, and the feeling of shaking a student’s hand and presenting them their diploma is special. It is a culmination of a major educational step in their lives. Teachers at every stage in this journey have impacted and supported this moment. It is this collaboration amongst educators that may not know one another, but all have the same goal that celebrate, applaud, and anticipate the wonderful things the student will go out into the world and fulfill that make it extremely memorable.

Favorite thing about Houston: I love the diversity of cultures, food, arts, and sports. I appreciate that on any given day, I can visit a world class museum, catch a play at a theater, have my pick of whatever I want to eat, and end my night at a ball game. Having this opportunity to share with my family, especially my young daughter who will benefit in life from these experiences, is special. Go Texans!

Goal for your students and staff this upcoming school year: My goal for students and staff is always that they grow, both in knowledge and as people. As a principal, I would routinely say that life is not about being perfect, but rather being reflective and making changes that lead towards growth. It is not where you start but the progress you make and challenging yourself to be the best student, teacher, principal, person you can be.