Category Archives: District IX – Myrna Guidry

Thank a trustee during National School Board Recognition Month

The 2016 Board of Education

The 2016 Board of Education are (L-R): Anna Eastman, Michael Lunceford, Second Vice President Diana Davila, First Vice President Wanda Adams, Assistant Secretary Rhonda Skillern-Jones, Secretary Jolanda Jones, President Manuel Rodriguez Jr., Harvin Moore, and Greg Meyers.

January is National School Board Recognition Month, honoring the men and women who serve on the nation’s thousands of Boards of Education. These dedicated public servants become school board trustees because they are committed to improving public education and their communities.

Our board members devote many hours to making sure Houston’s schools are safe and have the resources and instructional programs needed to educate children to their fullest potential.

“The students in HISD are very fortunate to have dedicated board members who work day in and day out to shape policies that support a high-quality education for all of our students,” said HISD Superintendent Dr. Terry Grier. “If you haven’t reached out, please thank your school board trustee for caring about our children, and let them know that they truly are appreciated for what they do.”

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Design for new Madison HS underway

[photoshelter-gallery g_id=”G0000hWCBQjV5hl4″ g_name=”2015-Bond-Madison” width=”600″ f_fullscreen=”t” bgtrans=”t” pho_credit=”iptc” twoup=”f” f_bbar=”t” f_bbarbig=”f” fsvis=”f” f_show_caption=”t” crop=”f” f_enable_embed_btn=”t” f_htmllinks=”t” f_l=”t” f_send_to_friend_btn=”f” f_show_slidenum=”t” f_topbar=”f” f_show_watermark=”t” img_title=”casc” linkdest=”c” trans=”xfade” target=”_self” tbs=”5000″ f_link=”t” f_smooth=”f” f_mtrx=”t” f_ap=”t” f_up=”f” height=”400″ btype=”old” bcolor=”#CCCCCC” ]

Madison High School’s  Project Advisory Team held its second community meeting on Dec. 3 to discuss design progress to date. The new $82.7 million school will face West Orem with a defined entrance that will integrate the new facility into the community.

Under the proposed design, the school entrance would be flanked by a three-story academic wing to the east and performing arts and community spaces to the west. The gym and athletics area would be located to the northeast. The facility’s academic wing will showcase the school’s Career & Technical Education programs, including metal working, automotive, and agriculture. The different academic neighborhoods will be connected by learning commons that give students a place to study and collaborate.

At least one more community meeting will be held before construction of the new school begins.

Photo gallery of HISD building projects

Phase 1 of Worthing HS bond project nearing completion

[photoshelter-gallery g_id=”G0000e4C5jh.OcF0″ g_name=”2015-Bond-Worthing” width=”600″ f_fullscreen=”t” bgtrans=”t” pho_credit=”iptc” twoup=”f” f_bbar=”t” f_bbarbig=”f” fsvis=”f” f_show_caption=”t” crop=”f” f_enable_embed_btn=”t” f_htmllinks=”t” f_l=”t” f_send_to_friend_btn=”f” f_show_slidenum=”t” f_topbar=”f” f_show_watermark=”t” img_title=”casc” linkdest=”c” trans=”xfade” target=”_self” tbs=”5000″ f_link=”t” f_smooth=”f” f_mtrx=”t” f_ap=”t” f_up=”f” height=”400″ btype=”old” bcolor=”#CCCCCC” ]

Worthing High School will receive a new facility that will incorporate the new Phase 1 two-story classroom wing for a campus accommodating 1,100 to 1,300 students.

The wing will be completed this spring, followed by the demolition of the old facility, and construction of the Phase 2 portion. The $30 million project will feature four flexible learning centers, three CTE classrooms, and new spaces for administration, student guidance, athletics, and dining. Design plans also include abundant natural light throughout and outdoor courtyards, which can be used as learning spaces.

Phase 2 construction will commence after abatement and demolition is complete in the first quarter of 2017. Students will remain on campus, in the new Phase 1 wing during construction.

Photo gallery of HISD building projects

Design underway for new Westbury HS

[photoshelter-gallery g_id=”G00006y8opOfVTdQ” g_name=”2015-Bond-Westbury” width=”600″ f_fullscreen=”t” bgtrans=”t” pho_credit=”iptc” twoup=”f” f_bbar=”t” f_bbarbig=”f” fsvis=”f” f_show_caption=”t” crop=”f” f_enable_embed_btn=”t” f_htmllinks=”t” f_l=”t” f_send_to_friend_btn=”f” f_show_slidenum=”t” f_topbar=”f” f_show_watermark=”t” img_title=”casc” linkdest=”c” trans=”xfade” target=”_self” tbs=”5000″ f_link=”t” f_smooth=”f” f_mtrx=”t” f_ap=”t” f_up=”f” height=”400″ btype=”old” bcolor=”#CCCCCC” ]

The scope of the Westbury project includes partial replacement and general renovations to the existing building, which will accommodate 2,300 to 2,500 students.

The new $40 million facility will feature flexible learning centers, new replacement athletic facilities, and a commons area designed to serve a dual purpose as new dining cafeteria and gathering space. The design will help enhance the image of the school by creating a well-defined and more prominent main entrance.

The project is still in the design development phase and the construction schedule and substantial completion date are currently being evaluated.

Photo gallery of HISD building projects

New Dowling MS set to enter construction bidding process

[photoshelter-gallery g_id=”G0000.odUb1LmxWQ” g_name=”2015-Bond-Dowling” width=”600″ f_fullscreen=”t” bgtrans=”t” pho_credit=”iptc” twoup=”f” f_bbar=”t” f_bbarbig=”f” fsvis=”f” f_show_caption=”t” crop=”f” f_enable_embed_btn=”t” f_htmllinks=”t” f_l=”t” f_send_to_friend_btn=”f” f_show_slidenum=”t” f_topbar=”f” f_show_watermark=”t” img_title=”casc” linkdest=”c” trans=”xfade” target=”_self” tbs=”5000″ f_link=”t” f_smooth=”f” f_mtrx=”t” f_ap=”t” f_up=”f” height=”400″ btype=”old” bcolor=”#CCCCCC” ]

Dowling Middle School will receive a new $59 million school to accommodate 1,300 to 1,500 students.

The design features include a three-story academic building, a fine arts building, dining commons, and gym. A large secure courtyard area will be located at the center of the school for students to gather throughout the day and be used for casual learning.

The school is just entering the construction phase, with the project to be bid in the first quarter of 2016. Construction is expected to last about 24 months.

Photo gallery of HISD building projects

Permitting process underway for new Parker ES

[photoshelter-gallery g_id=”G0000eZ2JIah1Q9Q” g_name=”2015-Bond-Parker” width=”600″ f_fullscreen=”t” bgtrans=”t” pho_credit=”iptc” twoup=”f” f_bbar=”t” f_bbarbig=”f” fsvis=”f” f_show_caption=”t” crop=”f” f_enable_embed_btn=”t” f_htmllinks=”t” f_l=”t” f_send_to_friend_btn=”f” f_show_slidenum=”t” f_topbar=”f” f_show_watermark=”t” img_title=”casc” linkdest=”c” trans=”xfade” target=”_self” tbs=”5000″ f_link=”t” f_smooth=”f” f_mtrx=”t” f_ap=”t” f_up=”f” height=”400″ btype=”old” bcolor=”#CCCCCC” ]

A new $29.4 million Parker Elementary School, being built for 850 students, is well underway.

Parker’s 55-year-old building and temporary classrooms will be replaced with a new 110,000-square-foot facility, designed specifically to house the school’s award-winning music magnet program. Features of the new building will include a 500-seat auditorium, expanded music and practice space, plenty of natural light and flexible learning spaces.

The permitting process with the City of Houston has begun, and preparations are being made to issue the project for Competitive Sealed Proposals in January. Proposals from bidders are then scheduled to be received on Feb. 9.

The project is on track for occupancy in the third quarter of 2017.

Photo gallery of HISD building projects

Design of new Madison HS receives positive reviews at community meeting

[photoshelter-gallery g_id=”G0000i3jy1r0LiiY” g_name=”20151203-Madison” width=”600″ f_fullscreen=”t” bgtrans=”t” pho_credit=”iptc” twoup=”f” f_bbar=”t” f_bbarbig=”f” fsvis=”f” f_show_caption=”t” crop=”f” f_enable_embed_btn=”t” f_htmllinks=”t” f_l=”t” f_send_to_friend_btn=”f” f_show_slidenum=”t” f_topbar=”f” f_show_watermark=”t” img_title=”casc” linkdest=”c” trans=”xfade” target=”_self” tbs=”5000″ f_link=”t” f_smooth=”f” f_mtrx=”t” f_ap=”t” f_up=”f” height=”400″ btype=”old” bcolor=”#CCCCCC” ]

The new Madison High School being built under the bond program will face West Orem with a defined entrance that will integrate the new facility into the community.

“The function of the school is on display for everyone,” Bill Truitt of Morris Architects told a crowd of about 30 people, who turned out for the meeting to learn more about the $82.7 million project.

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Worthing HS students give back this season through service project

Worthing High School’s Linked Learning students gave back this holiday season in both a meaningful and educational way during their annual Serving Sunnyside community project event — a two-day event that includes collecting food items, a hot meal food drive, and educational resources aimed to create a healthier and safe neighborhood.

[photoshelter-gallery g_id=”G0000iMpAfu2z.KA” g_name=”20151204-Worthing-Linked-Learning” width=”600″ f_fullscreen=”t” bgtrans=”t” pho_credit=”iptc” twoup=”f” f_bbar=”t” f_bbarbig=”f” fsvis=”f” f_show_caption=”t” crop=”f” f_enable_embed_btn=”t” f_htmllinks=”t” f_l=”t” f_send_to_friend_btn=”f” f_show_slidenum=”t” f_topbar=”f” f_show_watermark=”t” img_title=”casc” linkdest=”c” trans=”xfade” target=”_self” tbs=”5000″ f_link=”t” f_smooth=”f” f_mtrx=”t” f_ap=”t” f_up=”f” height=”400″ btype=”old” bcolor=”#CCCCCC” ]

For the first part of the community project, students and staff partnered up with the Houston Food Bank and Urban League to host a food drive on Nov. 20. The following day, food and monetary donations collected were used to make hot meals to serve to residents living throughout the Sunnyside neighborhood.

Worthing students also conducted research and were able to identify problems within the community. As a result, students chose topics on improving health and safety within the Sunnyside community and provided information to over 300 attendees at the event.

In addition, the project also served as the Linked Learning semester project and used a service learning rubric, which is a method that combines academic instruction, meaningful service, and critical reflective thinking to enhance student learning and civic responsibility. Linked Learning students are taught through work activities and choose a career subject of study based on their interests and abilities. Also referred to as a pathway, the career subject will guide future work-based learning opportunities.

Students learn to think ‘Beyond the Bachelor’s Degree’

A group of Madison HS seniors learned that HISD’s commitment to ensuring that students graduate ready for the world extends even after they have received their high school diploma. By participating in “Beyond the Bachelor’s Degree,” 35 students had the opportunity to talk about what happens after that first hurdle.

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Eleven business professionals and members of the Houston chapters of the National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA) and the National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA) served as mentors for college and career planning, giving students advice and tips on time management, selecting degree plans that fit their interests, and understanding how to leverage their unique talents in fields they may never have considered. Continue reading

Westbury HS faculty and staff demonstrating how much ‘relationships matter’

Westbury High School has rebranded its truancy office to better reflect its mission, and already the “Student Success Center” is living up to its new name.

Designed to help students graduate by accentuating the positive aspects of the team’s efforts, the rebranding was launched this fall in conjunction with other campus initiatives, including “Relationships Matter: Every Student Needs a Champion.” That schoolwide awareness campaign spotlights teachers who have made powerful connections with students and who have created classroom environments in which those young people thrive.

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“A lot of times, students don’t want to tell you their problems,” explained teacher Robert Lyle, who prevented student Adrian Hernandez from dropping out by helping him land a job in his chosen career field. “It’s digging deeper with each student that you have that relationship built with to find out what really matters to them.” Continue reading