In order to permanently improve every D- and F-rated campus, HISD is transforming how it serves those students by launching the RISE transformation cohort beginning in School Year 2022-2023.
HISD and Prairie View A&M University are collaborating to offer teachers who are aspiring leaders the Master of Educational Leadership. Join Whitlowe R. Green College of Education to learn more about the M.Ed. degree in Educational Administration with Principal Certification.
Key program features:
- No GRE score required
- Courses are taught in a 100% online format
- Degree coursework can be completed in four (4) semesters
- Students take courses together in a group/cohort format
- Current 100% pass rate on principal certification exams
RSVP for the Tuesday, May 17, zoom meeting at 5 p.m. here.
Join the Zoom meeting here. Meeting ID: 918 9089 5071 Passcode: 815298