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HISD to Announce New Automotive Internship Initiative

What: The Houston Independent School District, along with Sterling High School CTE Department, HISD College and Career Readiness Department and the HISD Department of Transportation, is launching a new initiative to prepare more students for careers in the automotive technician industry. The new automotive internship will be available to seniors at Sterling High School who have met eligibility requirements within the HISD automotive curriculum. In addition to specific industry training, students will learn basic employment skills including preparing for job interviews, working in teams, and public speaking. The program will expand district-wide in the 2013-2014 academic year.

Who: Sterling High School Principal Edward “Dale” Mitchell, HISD CTE Director Mike Webster, HISD Fleet Services Senior Manager Mark Swackhamer and other administrators

When: Thursday, November 8, 2012, 10 a.m.

Where: HISD Department of Transportation, 7700 Wallisville Road

Furr HS Holds Bond Celebration Rally

Furr High School has a big reason to celebrate. Under the newly passed bond, the school will receive a new $55 million campus.

After holding numerous early voting rallies, the Furr community held a pep rally on Wednesday, Nov. 7. The celebration, emceed by Furr math teacher Michael Simmons, was held to inform students that the bond passed and to thank parents and the Houston community for voting in favor of the bond.

“It’s time for a new school to be built, not just for the appearance but for the education of the students,” said Furr student Leticia Avamut. Continue reading

HISD principals react after bond is overwhelmingly approved by voters

A number of HISD principals say students and staff at their schools are celebrating one day after voters approved the Houston Schools Bond.

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Superintendent Grier thanks principals after bond passes by more than 2-1 margin

Superintendent Terry Grier says approval of the Houston Schools Bond will transform the city and impact millions of children for years to come. The measure passed by a more than 2-1 margin, based on early and absentee voting totals released Tuesday night by the Harris County Clerk’s Office.  “Everybody has such a great smile on their face. Isn’t this a great day to be in Houston, Texas?” Dr. Grier asked as he greeted principals at their regular monthly meeting. The crowd broke into applause and began cheering.

Thirty-eight schools, including 28 of the city’s high schools, will be rebuilt or renovated under the bond proposal. The superintendent thanked principals for their efforts to inform voters about the details of the proposal and said he strongly believes their efforts prompted overwhelming voter approval of the measure.

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In addition to rebuilding and renovating schools, the Houston Schools Bond includes funds for districtwide technology upgrades, athletic facility improvements, middle school restroom renovations, and districtwide safety and security improvements. Superintendent Grier says the district has not yet decided the order in which facility needs will be addressed.

Superintendent to Address Principals on 2012 Houston Schools Bond

After passing with 69 percent of the vote on Tuesday night, the 2012 Houston Schools Bond will be the topic of Superintendent Terry Grier’s monthly meeting with principals this morning at 9 a.m. Dr. Grier will discuss the next steps for the $1.89 billion proposition. The media has been invited to the 9 a.m. meeting

Dr. Grier, Board President Mike Lunceford, and Board Trustees Rhonda Skillern-Jones, Manuel Rodriguez Jr., and Harvin Moore were in attendance at a districtwide election watch party on Tuesday night at Hattie Mae White to celebrate with staff as the returns came in.

The Superintendent and members of the board addressed the crowd Tuesday night at the celebration.

“This bond is a game changer. This is going to change the lives of hundreds of thousands and eventually millions of students in our school district,” Dr. Grier said. “It’s going to change our city. It’s going to increase property values. It’s going to bring jobs to our community.”


Voters Approve HISD Bond Proposition

Measure passes by better than 2-1 margin

Thirty-eight Houston Independent School District campuses, including 28 of the city’s high schools, will be rebuilt or renovated under a bond proposition that won voter approval by better than a 2-1 margin on Tuesday.

The $1.89 billion measure passed with overwhelming support, earning 69 percent voter approval, according to unofficial results tabulated by the Harris County Clerk’s office.  More than 312,000 ballots were cast in the election.

“Houston voters sent a message today that all children, regardless of where they live, deserve to attend quality school in quality buildings that offer our great teachers the tools they need to prepare students for a successful future,” said Trustee Michael Lunceford, president of the HISD Board of Education.   “The new schools that will be built because of this vote will benefit today’s students, their future children, and even their grandchildren.”

HISD asked voters to consider the bond proposition after an independent evaluation of the district’s facilities showed that the average Houston high school is more than 50 years old and lacks the proper infrastructure to support modern technology and teaching strategies.  The evaluation found that the cost of maintaining these deteriorating schools would soon surpass the replacement cost.  Past HISD bond measures, including the 2007 plan that was passed with 51 percent of the vote, have focused on the district’s elementary and middle schools.

Because of the large amount of construction included in the 2012 bond proposition, HISD will spread the work out over the next six to eight years.  This approach will help control costs and allow the district to gradually phase in a 4.85-cent property tax rate increase over the next five years.  The district will soon seek bids from firms interested in performing the architectural design and engineering work on the first batch of projects.  The list of school projects to be included in the first phase of construction is being developed with an eye toward breaking ground on at least one project in each geographic district within HISD around the same time.  Construction work is expected to begin in 2014.  Click here for more details about the 2012 bond package.

“When this work is finished, Houston will boast the most modern portfolio of urban high school campuses in America,” Superintendent Terry Grier said.  “For years, HISD has been a national model for other urban school districts that are striving to simultaneously close the achievement gap while raising the level of achievement of all students, including the highest performers.  Thanks to Houston’s voters, we will finally have quality campuses to fully support our students’ strong academic progress.”

Projects funded though the bond proposition include:

New campuses for 20 high schools

  • Austin
  • Bellaire
  • Davis
  • DeBakey
  • Eastwood
  • Furr
  • High School for the Performing and Visual Arts
  • Jordan
  • Lamar
  • Lee
  • Madison
  • Milby
  • North Early College
  • Sam Houston
  • Sharpstown
  • South Early College
  • Sterling
  • Washington
  • Worthing
  • Yates


Partially replacing 4 high schools

  • Waltrip
  • Young Men’s College Prep Academy
  • Westbury
  • Young Women’s College Prep Academy


Renovating 4 high schools

  • Jones
  • Kashmere
  • Scarborough
  • Sharpstown International


Converting 5 elementary schools into K-8 campuses

  • Garden Oaks Montessori
  • Mandarin Chinese Language Immersion School at Gordon
  • Pilgrim Academy
  • Wharton Dual Language School
  • Wilson Montessori


Building 3 new elementary school campuses 

  • Askew
  • Parker
  • Relief school on the west side


Replacing/completing 2 new middle school campuses 

  • Grady (new addition to complete new campus)
  • Dowling (new campus)

In addition, the bond includes funds that would improve conditions for students in all HISD schools. This includes:

  • $100 million for district-wide technology improvements
  • $44.7 million to replace regional field houses and improve athletic facilities
  • $35 million to renovate middle school restrooms
  • $17.3 million for district-wide safety and security improvements

The Board of Education has also agreed to rebuild two schools – Condit Elementary and High School for Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice – either through the sale of surplus district property, or by using any potential leftover bond funds.

Historic neighborhood schools and prestigious schools of choice to be replaced

 HISD will now completely rebuild some of Houston’s most historic neighborhood high schools across the city.  Some replacement schools will maintain their existing building structures while their interiors are transformed. These schools include Austin, Davis, Lamar, and Milby.  The remaining replacement schools, including Yates, Washington, and Lee, will be demolished and replaced with entirely new buildings.  New campuses are also in the works for some of HISD’s prestigious specialty schools, including the nationally renowned High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, DeBakey High School for Health Professions, and Eastwood Academy.  All three schools made this year’s Children at Risk list of the Houston region’s Top 10 high schools.

The new HSPVA will be built downtown near Houston’s vaunted Theater District on land that HISD already owns at 1300 Capitol.  DeBakey, meanwhile, will be relocated to property within the Texas Medical Center.

Each campus included in the bond package will have a Project Advisory Team made up of staff, parents, and community members, who will have input in the design and construction process to ensure that each school’s unique needs are addressed.

New schools to support continued academic achievement

 Houston ISD students have made great strides in the classroom over the past several years.  Click here to read more about the strong academic progress being made by HISD students.

“We know that what happens inside our classrooms is more important than the physical classrooms themselves.  Our work to put effective teachers in every classroom and strong principals in every school is paying off,” Dr. Grier said.

HISD’s dropout and graduation rates are at record levels after four consecutive years of moving in the right direction.  Hundreds more Houston students are scoring at the college-ready level on the SAT than at any other time in the district’s history.  The same goes for the number of HISD students earning college credit through tough Advanced Placement exams, which is up 45 percent since 2009.  And this year, Houston was the only Texas school district to be among the four finalists for the nation’s most prestigious education award: the Broad Prize for Urban Education.

2012 Election Watch Party

Voters overwhelmingly approved the $1.89 billion HISD school construction bond which means 38 campuses including 28 high schools will be rebuilt or renovated.         Early returns released by the Harris County Clerk’s office showed the HISD bond proposition leading with 66 percent of the vote with nearly 200,000 ballots cast.

HISD Board of Education President Michael Lunceford said this vote means there will be quality schools for all students.  He also encouraged everyone to have their voice heard about the new schools. ” We want the community’s involvement and more importantly we want your input as we move forward,” said Lunceford.

Superintendent Terry Grier thanked everyone who voted for the bond and said this is going to change the lives of many students. “This vote shows us that Houston has not given up on public schools and our children. Thank you on behalf of our children. ”

Because of the large amount of construction included in the 2012 bond proposition, HISD will spread the work out over the next six to eight years.

Oscar Winner Visits Las Americas Newcomers School

In the heart of Tel Aviv, Israel, there is a school where children from 48 different countries and diverse backgrounds come together to learn. Many of the students arrive at the Bialik-Rogozin School fleeing poverty, political adversity, and even genocide. On Monday, Nov. 5, the school’s former principal came to HISD to share the story behind her campus and to hear more about the challenges HISD refugee students face.

“Children, no matter where they are from, want and need the same things,” said Karen Tal who won a 2011 Oscar for her short documentary Strangers No More. “They want to be accepted and they want to be a part of society.” 

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