Austin HS students talk business on GRAMMY Career Day with music industry professionals

Stephen F. Austin High School was selected as a recipient of the GRAMMY Signature Schools Award.  The GRAMMY Signature Schools Award is designed to honor public high school music programs across the country with special awards and grants based primarily on need and a compelling plan to address that need.  The GRAMMY Museum awarded a […]

2021-2022 Parent University Sessions begin Sept. 21, 2021

The Houston Independent School District is holding its first Parent University events for the 2021-2022 academic school year on Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2021. For now, Parent University sessions will be held virtually via ZOOM and will connect parents and students to HISD and community resources to help support successful academic outcomes as well as safe […]

Superintendent promises data-based decisions in the best interest of students, families

Superintendent Millard House II marked his first day of school in the Houston Independent School District by traveling from campus to campus, welcoming students back and peeking into their classrooms to watch them learn. But his first stop — though not on his official schedule— held special meaning. “As I dropped off my fourth grader […]

Washington HS to dedicate auditorium, break ground on community ‘Vision’ project

In a ceremony on April 24, Booker T. Washington High School and the High School for Engineering Professions will dedicate its auditorium to alumna state Rep. Senfronia Thompson and kick off efforts to create a community “Vision” project. Thompson, a 25-term state representative and 1957 Washington High School graduate, has long been heralded for her […]

Parent University wraps up third year with final session

Parent University, the Houston Independent School District program offering guidance and resources for parents of district students, has wrapped up its third year of workshops. This year, all sessions were held virtually due to social distancing protocols. Parent University was created to offer practical information to create successful academic careers as well as safe and […]

Virtual Parent University session to focus on non-academic supports

The Houston Independent School District will host its next virtual Parent University workshop from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, March 9. (Please note: this was rescheduled from February due to inclement weather.) The theme of the fourth session will be “Non-Academic Supports Offered in HISD.” The workshop will begin with a general session followed by virtual breakout sessions that will […]

Virtual Parent University session set for Jan. 19 to focus on college and career readiness

The Houston Independent School District will host its next virtual Parent University workshop from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 19. The theme of the fourth session will be “College and Career Readiness.” The workshop will begin with a general session followed by virtual breakout sessions that will include information on district programs, parent engagement, and community resources.  

Virtual Parent University session set for Nov. 17 to focus on digital citizenship

The Houston Independent School District will host its next virtual Parent University workshop from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 17. The theme of the third session will be “Digital Citizenship.” The workshop will begin with a general session followed by virtual breakout sessions that will include information on district programs, parent engagement, community resources, and how parents can become […]

Colleges waiving SAT, ACT admission requirements

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, an increasing number of colleges and universities are waiving the American College Testing (ACT) and Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) as part of their fall 2021 admissions process.  The SAT and ACT tests will not only be optional for students, but most colleges are also not requiring students to take the […]

Virtual Parent University session set for Oct. 20 to focus on family engagement 

The Houston Independent School District will host its next virtual Parent University workshop from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 20. The theme of the second session will be “Family Engagement.” The workshop will begin with a general session followed by virtual breakout sessions that will include information on district programs, parent engagement, community resources, and how parents can become […]