Tag Archives: 2012 bond

“Voting Early Style” – HISD students, teachers, principals go Gangnam Style to get out the vote

Forget what you thought you knew about “Gangnam Style,” the year’s biggest hit song and music video. Some may say it’s a parody of fashion and lifestyles in an upscale Korean neighborhood, but they’re mistaken. We sent the lyrics around the district and our students, faculty and staff have come to the conclusion that rapper PSY was actually encouraging Harris County voters to not only vote this election, but to vote early and finish the entire ballot.

We want anybody who’s eligible to vote in the November 6 election to take control of their future and go to the polls. We encourage you to register to vote (do it soon as the deadline is fast approaching) and to vote early beginning October 22.

We’re also asking for your help in getting out the vote. Make sure your friends see this video by tweeting it (we’re using the #VoteEarly hashtag and you can tag us with @HoustonISD), posting it to Facebook or Tumblr and liking it on YouTube.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP7lBB83McY]

Lewis Elementary School officially dedicated

Judd M. Lewis Elementary was the scene of a small gathering Monday morning to officially cut the ribbon on a new school that has been serving more than 900 students daily for nearly a year.

A handful of teachers, students, Houston ISD staff and dignitaries heard about the history of the school and its namesake, and a few of the more important features of the school built with funds from the 2007 bond program.

See more photos of the Lewis Elementary dedication ceremony by Damon Jasso of Ortiz Middle School.

Those who were in the school’s new library could only see a few of the major additions to the new two-story Lewis Elementary.

Technology and its assistance in classroom instruction were one of the key features of the new school, said principal Tonya Woods.

“This library!” said Woods. “The reading, the opportunities; we have thousands of resources just in the library alone. We have three mobile labs where (the students) can check out the computers in the classroom.

“We’re technology rich,” she said. “Everything is identical, giving the students the understanding that ‘you’re important,’… your learning is important to us and we value you.”

In addition to the upgraded technology, the school features multiple science and computer labs, as well as both a music and art lab. The school also includes a stage with a training room for drama students.

“The previous school looked nothing like this one, and as one of the young students here today said, it was the nicest building he’s ever been in,” said HISD Board of Education member Manuel Rodriguez Jr.

Rodriguez Jr. used the occasion to mention how the new school was built after voters approved a bond program in 2007. He also talked about how others, including nearby Austin and Milby high schools, would benefit should the electorate choose to support a $1.89 billion bond program on the November ballot.

“We need to have the type of schools that bring and attract new people and new firms to our area to be able to have a quality education for those children coming in, and for our own, because we will have leaders coming out of these schools,” he said. “I never expected to be on the school board when I was in high school, and here I am.”

As you approach the new school on Houston’s southeast side, you expect to see the features of a new school, but it’s some of the subtle touches that stand out first.

Pillars of baby blue hold up wavy, red colored walkways in front of a brick facade. There are multiple bike racks across the campus perimeter to encourage its student population — many of whom live less than a mile from campus — to walk or bike to school, and there’s a large covered play area off to the side.

Even still, you expect touches like that in a new school. It’s the inside of the year-old school that stands out. As you walk in, you’re greeted with a giant mural of a lion resting among a floral garden. The mural, produced by Houston artist Dixie Friend Gay, covers a 14’ by 14’ wall above the second set of double-doors to the school.

The new campus replaced one built in 1958 and named for the first poet laureate of Texas.

HISD Board of Education to vote on 2012 Bond Proposal

Following weeks of consideration, the HISD Board of Education is expected to vote on calling a referendum for the 2012 bond proposal at its scheduled meeting on Thursday, August 9.

The proposal, totaling $1.89 billion, would provide funding for construction at 38 schools, including 28 high schools that would be rebuilt, renovated or remodeled, as well as other districtwide projects. The bond proposal item to be presented to the board can be viewed on page 23 of the board agenda (PDF).

More information about the bond proposal, documentation used in the proposal and community surveys about the district’s schools can be found on our main website. For those unable to attend the board meeting at 5 p.m. in the Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center, you can watch it live online or on HISD TV.

As of today, there are only 90 days until Election Day. If you’ve yet to register to vote, you can find more information about registering and download an application at the Harris County Tax Office’s website.

See photos of the Worthing HS groundbreaking

The Sunnyside community, volunteers, students and HISD Board of Education Trustee Lawrence Marshall were on hand for the the official groundbreaking for the expansion and renovation of Evan E. Worthing High School on Wednesday, March 21. See photos from the event below.

HISD to Break Ground on Worthing High School Expansion

Administrators, staff, alumni, students and Sunnyside neighborhood residents will be joined by HISD Board of Education District IX Trustee Larry Marshall for the official groundbreaking ceremony  for Worthing High School’s renovation and expansion on Wednesday, March 21 at 10 a.m. at 9215 Scott Street.           

            “Sunnyside is a proud community with close-knit ties to successful people across the United States,” Marshall said.  “We are delighted to be able to welcome them to the site of the new and improved Worthing High School.  It’s been a dream for these residents for a long time.”

            State Senator Rodney Ellis, a distinguished graduate of Worthing, and State Rep. Borris Miles will be joining the Worthing community for this special ceremony. 

            The project includes a new two-story classroom addition, safety and security upgrades, technology improvements, and roof repairs, in addition to repairs of the athletic track.

“This new school building, with the renovated commons and auditorium, will definitely be a source of pride for the residents of Sunnyside,” said Worthing Principal Tod Nix.  “Most importantly, this is something our students are going to be proud of and enjoy every school day.”

            The $805 million bond referendum approved by voters in 2007 has helped make this Worthing project possible. The expanded and renovated campus will include:

  • New library;
  • Additional technological resources;
  • New science labs; and
  • New commons area.

            The campus’ old life skills building will become the new Worthing Community Learning Center, a student union-type structure that will include study rooms, recreation areas, and meeting space.  This center will serve all the children of Sunnyside, including those attending some of the area elementary and middle schools.

For more information about other school construction projects district wide, visit www.hisdprojects.org.