On Thursday, October 10, Houston Independent School District named the members of the Bond Oversight Committee. The Bond Oversight Committee, consisting of 13 members and two alternates, is responsible for monitoring the progress and implementation of the bond and its projects, should it be approved in November.
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HISD announces opportunities for community to learn more about potential bond proposal
As the HISD community continues to recover from last week’s storm, the need for investment in our aging facility infrastructure has become even more acute. To engage our community in this discussion as quickly as possible, HISD is announcing the dates for community meetings on the state of HISD facilities. In addition, we are naming the Community Advisory Committee that will drive engagement with the community.
Continue readingDedicated Capital Planning Steering Committee focuses on future
A buzz of enthusiastic energy swept into the boardroom at Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center Tuesday evening.
More than 20 members of the Capital Planning Steering Committee, including HISD staff, kicked off their inaugural meeting.
Continue readingCapital Planning Steering Committee to begin work in November
HISD has named 25 parents and community members to serve on the 2021-2022 Capital Planning Steering Committee — an independent citizen’s committee that’s expected to begin meeting in November.
The committee is charged with providing strategic direction, feedback, and guidance to the district as it prepares to address capital needs identified in the 2021 facilities assessment.
Continue readingCapital Planning Steering Committee extends application deadline to Oct.15
The Houston Independent School District is seeking volunteers to serve on the 2021-2022 Capital Planning Steering Committee as it looks to address almost $5 million in deferred maintenance needs.
The steering committee — an independent citizens committee made up of community members — will be tasked with providing strategic direction, feedback, and guidance to the district as it prepares to address needs identified in the 2021 facilities assessment.
The committee will have up to 25 members representing all nine Board of Education trustee districts. Appointments will last for one year — or the duration of the 2021-2022 Capital Planning Steering Process.
“The Capital Planning Steering Committee will play a critical, strategic role in moving this district forward,” HISD Superintendent Millard House II said. “Their charge will be to develop recommendations that provide all students with equitable access to modern, innovative, and safe learning spaces.”
To apply, candidates must complete and submit the Capital Planning Steering Committee Application by close of business on Friday, Oct. 15. Special preference will be given to:
- Candidates with expertise in building design, engineering, construction, construction project management, safety and security, and finance
- Candidates who are active representative business or community organizations in the district
- Parents/guardians who have children enrolled in the district and are active in a parent-teacher organization
A panel of senior district administrator will review applications and make recommendations to the superintendent, who will make final appointments. Committee appointments will be announced on Monday, Oct. 25.
Members will meet monthly — and more often, if needed — from November through April. Meetings are tentatively scheduled for 6 to 8 p.m. on the first Tuesday of every month.
Review the 2021-2022 Capital Planning Steering Committee Guidelines for more information about committee requirements, membership eligibility, and the application process.
African-American Advisory Committee holds regular meeting at historic Yates HS

Three student ambassadors took the African-American Advisory Committee on separate tours of the Yates HS campus.
Members of the HISD African-American Advisory Committee held their regular meeting Wednesday at the historic Yates High School campus. In November, HISD voters approved a $1.89 billion bond package that includes $59.5 million to build a modern new Yates campus.
HISD Community Relations Liaison Lawrence Allen who has been instrumental in assembling the group of educators, journalists, community, and business leaders said Yates High School was selected as the site of this month’s meeting because of its longstanding commitment to excellence in education, a sentiment echoed by Yates Principal Marla McNeal-Sheppard.
“Although Yates has always been known for excelling in athletics, we are extremely proud of our triumphs in academics,” said McNeal-Sheppard. “There have been an increasing number of students applying for admission into our communications magnet program and in 2012 the number of scholarships increased from $2.1 million to $3.5 million dollars.” However despite the successes, she said there is more work to be done. “We’re always working to create business partnerships and to get more resources for our students,” she said.
A highlight of the meeting was when three student ambassadors took the group on separate tours of the campus. Senior Talisha Rhodes who will be studying nursing beginning this summer at Prairie View A&M University was one of the student ambassadors. As Rhodes guided her group through the school’s television studio, graphic design classrooms, and printing press, she raved about what her years at Yates have meant to her.
“Since I started until now, I have changed a lot but only for the better,” said Rhodes. “I will miss my teachers who pushed me to work hard, especially Ms. Clayton. Although I’m excited about studying nursing, I’m going to miss Yates, but I look forward to returning to the school to share my experiences with other students.”
Advisory committee member Dr. Jacqueline H. Cobbin said Yates is a wonderful example of what’s right with our schools. “You can tell from walking through the halls and meeting with the students, teachers, and Principal McNeal-Sheppard how enthusiastic and energized everyone is about Yates,” said Cobbin.
The African-American Advisory Committee was created in 2011 by HISD’s Strategic Partnership Department to advise and support HISD in strengthening and encouraging public support of HISD schools, improving student achievement, and increasing parental and community involvement within the African-American community.
HISD Announces Bond Construction Timeline
Nearly half of all voter-approved projects will be under construction by 2014
The Houston Independent School District today announced the construction timeline for the 40 schools slated to be built or renovated under the voter-approved $1.89 billion 2012 bond program. Continue reading
HISD Launches Advisory Committee for Supplier Diversity
The Houston Independent School District is launching an Advisory Committee for Supplier Diversity to build on the ongoing success of its program for minority and women-owned business enterprises. Continue reading
HISD Seeks Architectural And Engineering Services For 2012 Bond Program
The Houston Independent School District will open the solicitation process Saturday, Dec. 1, for architectural and engineering firms seeking to take part in the $1.89 billion 2012 bond program to replace and modernize schools across the city.
HISD Offers Prospective Vendor Workshops
If you’re interested in doing business with the Houston Independent School District or would like some more information about the 2012 bond program, here’s your opportunity. Continue reading