Dual language program to double in size for 2015–2016 school year

HISD’s dual language program is doubling in size next year to more than 50 campuses — and the district is currently recruiting schools to commit to the year-long process to become a dual language campus for the 2015–2016 year. Dual language campuses promote instruction in two languages as equally important. This allows English Language Learners […]

Houston Texans and HCC surprise cancer survivor on her birthday

Jefferson ES second-grader Genesis Cuevas may be battling Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, but she’s certainly not doing it alone. [photoshelter-gallery g_id=”G00008X1Yr8.8aeY” g_name=”2014-GenesisCuevas-JeffersonES” width=”600″ f_fullscreen=”t” bgtrans=”t” pho_credit=”iptc” twoup=”f” f_bbar=”t” f_bbarbig=”f” fsvis=”f” f_show_caption=”t” crop=”f” f_enable_embed_btn=”t” f_htmllinks=”t” f_l=”t” f_send_to_friend_btn=”f” f_show_slidenum=”t” f_topbar=”f” f_show_watermark=”t” img_title=”casc” linkdest=”c” trans=”xfade” target=”_self” tbs=”5000″ f_link=”t” f_smooth=”f” f_mtrx=”t” f_ap=”t” f_up=”f” height=”400″ btype=”old” bcolor=”#CCCCCC” ] Not only did students […]

HISD team recognized for success with supplier diversity program

The Greater Houston Business Procurement Forum (GHBPF) presented Alexis Licata, HISD’s General Manager of Business Assistance, with the Distinguished Supplier Diversity Award at this year’s Minority Enterprise Development Week (MED Week) awards ceremony on Oct. 21. The award is presented annually to an organization or individual whose business practices have had a significant impact on […]

Last year’s Fishman Prize finalist offers advice to this year’s applicants

Last year, Dávila Elementary School’s own Marie Krueger-Miller was named one of nine finalists for The New Teacher Project’s (TNTP) Fishman Prize for Superlative Classroom Practice. This year, the fourth-grade English as a Second Language teacher is planning to apply for the award again — and she is offering advice to other educators who might […]

Burbank MS brings popular children’s author to campus for Family Literacy Night

This year, Family Literacy Night at Burbank Middle School was very special. Throughout September and October, students, staff, and community members all read Christopher Healy’s “The Hero’s Guide to Saving Your Kingdom.” Then they got together on Family Literacy Night to discuss the book and had a rare opportunity to take the discussion directly to […]

Notice of destruction of Special Education records

Special Education records which have been collected by the Houston Independent School District (HISD) related to the identification, evaluation, educational placement, or the provision of Special Education in the district must be maintained under state and federal laws for a period of five years after Special Education services have ended for the student. Special Education […]

Fonville MS robotics team wins tournament its first time out

The fledgling robotics team at Fonville Middle School might be relatively new, but that doesn’t mean its members don’t know a thing or two about how to win a competition. The Fonville team outperformed several high school teams recently to claim top honors at HISD’s VEX West competition. The students shared the title of “tournament […]

HISD educators talk STEM with science, technology, engineering, math leaders

Science, technology, math, and engineering leaders with global companies and research universities shared forward-thinking STEM practices with HISD to help the district establish advanced standards for its STEM programs. What makes STEM “STEM,” and how can HISD ensure students who graduate are truly prepared for a post-secondary education and career in STEM? These are a […]