Tag Archives: Dodson ES

District plan to consolidate Dodson and Blackshear continues

The HISD Board of Education on Thursday voted to table indefinitely an agenda item to cancel the consolidation of Dodson Elementary with Blackshear, the Rusk School and Lantrip elementary schools. The 5-3 vote comes after much debate on the topic and a move by board members who brought the item back to the agenda late last week. Trustee Paula Harris was absent from the meeting.

“Despite being unpopular and difficult, school consolidations represent opportunities to strengthen schools,” said Superintendent Terry Grier. “Tonight’s vote will allow us to continue the work we are doing to ensure that Blackshear is a Montessori-friendly facility that is ready for students in the fall.”

Last month the board voted to repurpose Jones High School into a specialized Futures Academy. Trustees also voted 5 to 4 to close Dodson Elementary.

The Board of Education did not vote on the administration’s proposal to increase funding per-student level by $35 for the upcoming school year. It will appear on next month’s agenda following additional board workshops on the subject.


Board of Education to consider school closures, graduation plan

Proposal would close Jones, Dodson; new graduation plan under HB 5 would include Algebra II requirement

The Houston Independent School District Board of Trustees will review proposals to close Jones High School and Dodson Elementary School, and vote on new policies associated with House Bill 5 during a board meeting planned for Thursday, March 13.
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Three schools eliminated from HISD closure, consolidation proposal

The Houston Independent School District Board of Trustees will review proposals to close Jones High School and Dodson Elementary School during the March 13 board meeting. Three of the five schools – Nathaniel Q. Henderson Elementary School, Port Houston Elementary School, and Fleming Middle School – originally proposed for closure have been removed from consideration by Board President Juliet Stipeche. This authority is provided to the president through board policy.

“I respect our board president’s request to remove these schools from consideration,” HISD Superintendent Terry Grier said. “I also appreciate her input, the input of all trustees, and the community-at-large in this process.”

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Cornelius ES student wins Martin Luther King Jr. oratory competition

Amari Venzor of Cornelius Elementary School took home top honors in the 18th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Oratory Competition sponsored by Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP in Houston.

Every year since 1996, fourth- and fifth-graders from two dozen HISD schools have competed in this annual contest, which challenges students to write and present a short original speech on a subject related to the slain civil rights leader. The topic this year was, “If Dr. King were speaking at a March on Washington today, what would he say?”

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“If Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was speaking at a March on Washington today, he would say: As I consider the past 50 years of progress, I can’t help but wonder if for every two steps we have taken forward, we have taken three steps back,” Amari said. “Have we fought so hard to instill that pride that we fail to include words like integrity, self-respect, and even a simple hi? Have we allowed economic and social status to lull us into a crippling complacency and a sense of entitlement? Simply meaning, are we putting $200 sneakers on our children who can barely read or solve basic mathematical equations rather than teaching them how to invest the same $200 into the actual shoe company? Have we been so busy trying to give our children what we didn’t have that we forgot to give them what we did have?”

Byron Roberson of Dodson ES won second place and Bruce ES student Chrystyna Haywood won third place.

[su_vimeo url=”http://vimeo.com/84423447/” width=”500″ height=”280″ responsive=”no”]

[su_vimeo url=”http://vimeo.com/84423446/” width=”500″ height=”280″ responsive=”no”]

The other 2014 finalists, in alphabetical order, were:

Shahnoor Ahtesham, Sutton ES
Reginald Brown, Pleasantville ES
Chrislyn Brownlow, Anderson ES
Kierra Hunter, MacGregor ES
Robert Lane III, Valley West ES
Amaria Maldonado, Wainwright ES
Kennady Roberson, Lockhart ES
Jayla Wright, Burrus ES
Jacovia Young, Windsor Village ES

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Other participating HISD campuses include: Atherton, Crespo, Garden Villas, Golfcrest, Gregg, Gross, Park Place, Port Houston, Rodriguez, Thompson, Whidby, and Woodson.

Don’t miss the MLK Jr. Oratory Competition finals on Jan. 17

If you’ve never seen the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Oratory Competition sponsored by Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP in Houston, you’re in for a treat.

Every year since 1996, fourth- and fifth-graders from two dozen HISD schools have competed in this annual contest, which challenges students to write and present a short original speech on a subject related to the slain civil rights leader. The topic this year is, “If Dr. King were speaking at a March on Washington today, what would he say?”

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