In preparation for the first week of the new school year, HISD Police is teaming up with the Houston Police Department and Houston Ministers Against Crime (HMAC) for their biannual school safety initiative, Project Safe Start.
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Local law enforcement and faith leaders team up for ‘Safe Start’ to summer
In an ongoing effort to promote school safety, HISD Police, Houston Police, and Houston Ministers Against Crime are once again partnering for Project Safe Start.

Ministers and school, community leaders partner for safe start to summer

Local religious, school, and community leaders joined together Friday to kick off the 29th year of Project Safe Start to ensure students are safe as they transition to summer vacation.
Together, the group will ensure additional patrol officers are placed in the immediate vicinity of schools and throughout neighborhoods surrounding school campuses to help monitor and decrease any illegal activity during the last few days of the school year.
“We acknowledge that it takes all of us to make this possible,” Houston Ministers Against Crime Pastor F. N. Williams II said. “It takes all of us working together to bring this to pass.”
Continue readingSchool districts, law enforcement team up with Ministers Against Crime for ‘Project Safe Start’
Students of HISD and across the city of Houston will soon begin to notice an increase of community and law enforcement officials throughout their hallways as the school year comes to an end.
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