Category Archives: HISD: Our Story

Washington HS students create special works of art

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A project for an art class at Booker T. Washington High School has turned into a special gift for a university president on behalf of HISD. Students in Maya Imani Watson’s art class created a piece that highlights the late poet Maya Angelou. The piece will be gifted to Dr. Ruth J. Simmons, the newly minted president of Prairie View A&M University.

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Help determine the Fan Favorite Teachers of the Year 

Winners to be announced at May 18 Educators of the Year banquet

It’s that time of the year again to decide the “Fan Favorite” Teachers of the Year, who will be announced on Friday, May 18, as HISD honors teachers and principals across the district at the Educators of the Year banquet.

The districtwide elementary and secondary Teachers of the Year are determined using performance data and other criteria, but the Fan Favorite category was created so the HISD community could vote on social media for their favorite elementary and secondary teacher.

All campus-based Teachers of the Year are eligible for this award, which will be determined by who has the largest number of fans. Anyone can vote—including colleagues, parents, students, and former students.  Continue reading

HISD names 2017-18 Teacher of the Year finalists, Beginner Teacher of the Year winners 

Winners will be recognized on May 18 at the Educators of the Year banquet

In recognition of teaching excellence across the district, HISD will officially crown its principals and teachers at the “royal wedding-themed” Educators of the Year banquet on Friday, May 18, at the Hilton Americas Hotel.

Fourteen finalists have been named for the Elementary and Secondary Teachers of the year. The two winners, who will go on to represent the district in Region 4, will be announced during the Educators of the Year banquet on Friday, May 18. The 14 finalists were selected from all 287 campuses based on performance data and other criteria.  Continue reading

Jane Long Academy social worker feels called to make a difference 

Berta Alicia Ontiveros

As the school bell rings and chatter begins to fill the hallways at Jane Long Academy, Berta Alicia Ontiveros holds a squawking radio and smiles broadly as she approaches students who are still lingering after the tardy bell.

“Come on sweetie, you don’t want to be late,” she says softly.

Ontiveros is finishing her third year as a social worker for HISD. She works at Jane Long, a school with a diverse student body. Students speak multiple languages and come from varied backgrounds and cultures, which can sometimes make it difficult for them to adjust.  Continue reading

HISD honors top volunteers at annual VIPS ceremony

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The Houston Independent School District on Thursday recognized the efforts of thousands of volunteers and honored the top volunteers of the year during the annual Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) Recognition and Awards Ceremony.

“We literally could not do this work of educating our children without our volunteers. You are our village,” HISD Board of Education President Rhonda Skillern-Jones said.

HISD’s VIPS program was started in 1970 by longtime HISD educator Jean Davis Myers, who passed away in 2015. Myers served as executive director of VIPS for 20 years and under her leadership, the program became an award-winning national model. Since 1991, the Jean Davis Myers Award for Community Service has been presented annually to an individual or group whose program or volunteer efforts have had a positive impact on student achievement. Continue reading

Westbury HS senior plant operator takes pride in supporting school

Werner Flores

Every morning at 6 a.m., Werner Flores opens the doors at Westbury High School. He turns the alarms off and the lights on and then checks to make sure the HVAC systems are up and running. But that’s where his routine typically ends.

As the school’s senior plant operator, Flores says no two days are alike. And he likes it that way.

“I enjoy the variety, so it doesn’t feel like a job anymore,” Flores said. “It’s never boring. There’s always more to do, so the day passes fast, and suddenly it’s time to go home.”  Continue reading

Class of 2018 valedictorians, salutatorians to be honored at Scholars Banquet 

The Houston Independent School District will pay tribute to each high school’s valedictorian and salutatorian during its annual Scholars Banquet on Wednesday evening.

Every spring, HISD honors the top two scholars at each of its high schools with a formal celebration of the accomplishment of finishing first or second in their class academic rankings. During the banquet, each valedictorian and salutatorian is presented with a medallion in recognition of their outstanding academic achievements.

The 2018 Scholars Banquet will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 18, 2018, at the Westin Galleria Hotel (5060 West Alabama St., Houston, 77056). Continue reading

HISD mourns loss of former First Lady and literacy champion Barbara Bush

Barbara Bush reads to kindergartners at Poe Elementary School in October 2015.

It is with sorrow that we regard the passing of Mrs. Barbara Bush. It is with joy that we celebrate a life so well lived and an exemplary model of advocacy for children.

Her vigorous pursuit of literacy for all children is indeed but a small testament to the person she was and to what she stood for.

Mrs. Bush’s literacy efforts will live through many generations of well-read children who as adults will instill those skills in their children thereby sustaining her never ending legacy.

The HISD Board of Education sends our thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of First Lady Barbara Bush and will always be grateful for their sharing her with us and the many children she served.

HISD art cars win five trophies in Art Car Parade 

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Five of HISD’s 21 entries in the 31st annual Houston Art Car Parade caught the judges’ attention, winning trophies and even some cash.

It was easily the best year yet for HISD students and their art cars.

In the category of Best Youth Entry, Frank Black Middle School with Luz Martinez and Julon Pinkston took second place with the Panthermobile. Pinkston accepted the award at the Art Car Awards Ceremony at Smither Park.

The Art Car Parade judges like to give out numerous awards, so there are winners in multiple categories, including four first-place winners, four second-place winners, and four third-place winners. HISD art cars won in each of the three categories.  Continue reading

Second annual East Area Feast of Arts showcase this weekend 

The second annual Feast of Arts for schools in the Chavez feeder pattern will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 21, at Chavez High School (8501 Howard, Houston, 77017).

Last year, the Fine Arts Initiative in District III started with the Chavez Feeder Pattern, and this year, it is expanding to include the Milby Feeder Pattern.    Continue reading