Interim Superintendent gets sneak peek of new Lamar and Northside

Interim Superintendent Grenita Lathan walked into the new academic building at Lamar High School on Thursday and stopped for a moment to take it all in. 

Standing in the grand hall, Lathan’s eyes widened as she scanned the two-story, glass-paned entry way and massive, bright blue staircase leading to upper floors. 

“This is wonderful,” Lathan said, smiling as she greeted Lamar Principal Rita Graves. 

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Two years later: Schools damaged by Hurricane Harvey moving forward

Nearly three feet of water rippled through freshly painted hallways, carrying brightly colored classroom decorations that fell from wet walls. Bookshelves collapsed and spilled its contents, and desks were scattered about by the force of the water.    

It’s been two years since that scenario played out at four HISD elementary schools — Braeburn, Mitchell, Scarborough, and Kolter.  

Just as faculty and staff at each school had prepared for their newest group of students, Hurricane Harvey made landfall on the Texas coast. The storm inflicted damage so significant that students and staff had to be relocated to temporary campuses.  

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Construction progressing at new Mitchell ES

Construction on the new Mitchell Elementary School is progressing as the concrete foundation and hollow core planks are now complete.

Crews have begun the erection of the structural steel and site paving is nearly complete.

The campus is one of four elementary schools — Braeburn, Mitchell, Scarborough, and Kolter — being rebuilt as a result of damages sustained in 2017 during Hurricane Harvey.

“Although Harvey tested our resiliency, it also created an opportunity for our community to be blessed with a new school for our very deserving students,” Mitchell Principal Elizabeth Castillo said. “We are so eager as we watch the progress of our building.  With the foundation being poured, we know that our Mitchell 3.0 will be a beacon of hope as we work to revitalize our community after Harvey.”

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Steel structure placed in Kolter ES

Construction continues at Kolter Elementary School with structural steel of the new building nearly complete.

Crews will now begin the installation of both the first- and second-floor slabs. Exterior wall framing will begin next month.

“Watching the beams and framing come to life has made all the difference,” Kolter Principal Julie Dickinson said. “It’s so exciting to see a second floor and to begin to visualize learning spaces and common areas. I can’t believe we’re less than a year away from moving into our new school home.”

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Construction continues at Scarborough ES

Work is progressing at Scarborough Elementary School with the building foundation and hollow core plank installation now complete.

Installation of the first and second-floor slabs are in progress.

Scarborough is one of four elementary schools — including Braeburn, Mitchell, and Kolter — being rebuilt as a result of damages sustained in 2017 during Hurricane Harvey.

Scarborough Principal Miriam Medina said the news of the construction progress has made the school community feel a sense of anticipation.

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Construction progresses at Braeburn ES

Steel structures and concrete slabs are now underway at the new Braeburn Elementary School with the installation of underground utilities and floor planks completed.

The campus is one of four elementary schools — Braeburn, Mitchell, Scarborough, and Kolter — being rebuilt as a result of damages sustained in 2017 during Hurricane Harvey.

“Our community and staff are excited to see our school building come to life from the ground up,” Braeburn Principal Amanda Rodgers said. “Now that the foundation is being set, it’s getting even easier to envision what our future home will look like. We look forward to returning to our neighborhood soon.”

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Facilities Services Security Maintenance team protects HISD

The Security Maintenance office looks like any other, with computers, cubicles, and conference rooms. You might never know that it houses HISD’s first line of defense against burglars, fires, floods, and natural disasters.

Part of Facilities Services and Fleet Operations, Security Maintenance is responsible for ensuring safety and security systems and equipment are fully functioning.

The department provides routine maintenance and emergency repairs on all safety equipment, such as cameras and alarm panels. It oversees and coordinates annual fire alarm, intercom, and fire extinguisher inspections. The team also works closely with HISD Construction Services to bring safety systems online in new and renovated schools.

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Facilities Services and Fleet Operations prepares campuses, vehicles for start of school

HISD’s Facilities Services and Fleet Operations department has been working hard this summer to ensure students have clean, comfortable learning spaces and reliable transportation to and from school.

The department cleaned schools, made renovations to several campuses, worked on climate control systems, serviced cars, took care of the grounds, welded metal, and maintained security.

Facilities Services and Fleet Operations Officer Alishia Jolivette said the department’s new tagline — We solve. We serve. We maintain. — guides their daily efforts.

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Yates HS feeder pattern community celebrates back to school

Families from the Yates High School feeder pattern community gathered together on Saturday for a fun-filled back-to-school bash to help get students ready for the new school year.  

Over 400 people from Cullen Middle School, Baylor College of Medicine Academy at Ryan Middle School, and Blackshear, Foster, Hartsfield, Lockhart, Peck, Thompson, and Whidby elementary schools all received free school supplies, backpacks, haircuts, uniforms, shoes, and food vouchers at the celebration.   

“It was exciting to see the community come together in preparation for the school year,” Leesa Giles, Special Education Resource Teacher and Title I Coordinator at Foster Elementary, said. “Many families have less to worry about regarding supplies and other school-related items thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Yates Feeder Pattern Schools.   

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HISD school start times for the 2019-20 school year

The Houston Independent School District’s standardized start/dismissal times will remain the same for the 2019-20 school year. 

This school year, the district will operate with the following standardized times: 

Elementary schools and early childhood centers: 
Start at 7:30 a.m. and dismiss at 2:50 p.m. 

Middle schools and PK/K-8: 
Start at 8:30 a.m. and dismiss at 3:50 p.m. 

High School and 6-12 Schools: 
Start at 8:30 a.m. and dismiss at 4 p.m. 

Exceptions to the standardized start/dismissal times are in effect for certain campuses for the 2019-2020 school year. Please check with your campus directly to confirm start/dismissal times.