Building 21st Century Schools at the Forefront of Bond Program

John A. Dubiski Career High School in Grand Prairie is a public high school of choice with a focus on equipping students with the skills needed for 21st century professions. Click on image for more photos of 21st century schools.

Gone are classrooms with chalkboards, rows of desks and teachers who only lecture. Consider instead a school with moveable walls, tables with laptop connections, and an instructor who facilitates lessons with online videos, interactive experiments, and small groups of students.

Welcome to 21st century learning, an approach to education that seeks to bring today’s schools into the modern age through technology, design, and new ways of delivering instruction.

“We need to prepare our students for the future,” said HISD’s Sue Robertson, general manager of Facility Planning. “The goal of the 2012 bond program is to ensure we are designing facilities that reflect the importance of collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving.”

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African-American Advisory Committee holds regular meeting at historic Yates HS

Three student ambassadors took the African-American Advisory Committee on separate tours of the Yates HS campus.

Members of the HISD African-American Advisory Committee held their regular meeting Wednesday at the historic Yates High School campus.   In November, HISD voters approved a $1.89 billion bond package that includes $59.5 million to build a modern new Yates campus.

HISD Community Relations Liaison Lawrence Allen who has been instrumental in assembling the group of educators, journalists, community, and business leaders said Yates High School was selected as the site of this month’s meeting because of its longstanding commitment to excellence in education, a sentiment echoed by Yates Principal Marla McNeal-Sheppard.

Although Yates has always been known for excelling in athletics, we are extremely proud of our triumphs in academics,” said McNeal-Sheppard.  “There have been an increasing number of students applying for admission into our communications magnet program and in 2012 the number of scholarships increased from $2.1 million to $3.5 million dollars.”   However despite the successes, she said there is more work to be done.  “We’re always working to create business partnerships and to get more resources for our students,” she said.

A highlight of the meeting was when three student ambassadors took the group on separate tours of the campus.   Senior Talisha Rhodes who will be studying nursing beginning this summer at Prairie View A&M University was one of the student ambassadors.   As Rhodes guided her group through the school’s television studio, graphic design classrooms, and printing press, she raved about what her years at Yates have meant to her.

“Since I started until now, I have changed a lot but only for the better,” said Rhodes.  “I will miss my teachers who pushed me to work hard, especially Ms. Clayton.  Although I’m excited about studying nursing, I’m going to miss Yates, but I look forward to returning to the school to share my experiences with other students.”

Advisory committee member Dr. Jacqueline H. Cobbin said Yates is a wonderful example of what’s right with our schools.  “You can tell from walking through the halls and meeting with the students, teachers, and Principal McNeal-Sheppard how enthusiastic and energized everyone is about Yates,” said Cobbin.

The African-American Advisory Committee was created in 2011 by HISD’s Strategic Partnership Department to advise and support HISD in strengthening and encouraging public support of HISD schools, improving student achievement, and increasing parental and community involvement within the African-American community.

District looks for experienced, successful teachers to ‘Experience HISD’ on March 23

Are you a successful, motivated teacher? Contact Teacher Recruitment and Selection at

On March 23, 2013 the Houston Independent School District (HISD) will be hosting the 2ndannual “Experience HISD” event, targeted specifically to recruit experienced teachers with a proven track record of success. Principals will have the opportunity to award early contracts to candidates that demonstrate a strong fit for their campus.

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Wilson Elementary School ‘Flips the Switch’ on Donated Solar Panels

HISD’s Woodrow Wilson Montessori School and the Green Mountain Energy Sun Club have “flipped the switch” the school’s new solar panels, which will provide a renewable source of energy for the Houston magnet school and help students learn about solar energy.

The solar system was made possible by a $50,000 donation from the Sun Club, a voluntary program in which Green Mountain Energy Company residential customers, including many in Houston, make monthly contributions toward solar generation systems for non-profits.

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HISD Superintendent Terry B. Grier to be Honored by the Houston Area Alliance of Black School Educators

The Houston Area Alliance of Black School Educators (HAABSE) will award HISD Superintendent Terry Grier its Presidential Award during the organization’s 26th Annual Outstanding Teacher Awards and Recognition Ceremony. The Presidential Award is presented to educators who are pioneers in the education of Houston’s youth.   The HAABSE will also honor community activist Georgia Provost for her work in education, and will recognize exceptional teachers from greater Houston and surrounding areas.  Scholarships will be awarded to graduating high school seniors studying education.  The HAABSE’s primary mission is to enhance leadership in providing valuable professional services and strategies to institutions, agencies, and communities engaged in creating an environment in which students, particularly minority students, can achieve academic excellence.

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Garden Oaks Montessori to Host Public Montessori Educators of Texas Conference

What: The seventh annual Public Montessori Educators of Texas conference, sponsored by Friends of Montessori, will be held Friday, March 1 through Sunday, March 3 at Garden Oaks Montessori Magnet school.  The theme is Montessori: Surviving and Thriving in the Public School Setting and will feature breakout workshops for parents, teachers and educators that focus on elevating and sustaining Montessori education within the classroom and the community, and a tour of Houston’s three public Montessori schools.  The keynote speakers for the conference are author and lecturer Alfie Kohn and Dennis Schapiro, editor and publisher of the Public School Montessorian newspaper.  They will be speaking on the topics of education, parenting and human behavior. 

For more information or to register, visit

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Have questions about the HISD budget process? Get answers here

Have you ever wondered how money is spent in a large school district? Do you know where the money comes from and how your child’s school is funded?

If you’d like to know just how the Houston Independent School District pays for the many educational services we provide to Houston’s children, take a look at our latest web page – HISD Budget Basics. You’ll find information on:

  • Where the district’s operating budget comes from
  • How the money is budgeted and spent
  • Who decides how the money is spent
  • Who keeps an eye on the budget
  • Who decides how money is spent at your child’s school
  • How to calculate your HISD taxes
Just like in your own household, HISD has a budget that requires prioritizing of needs and wise spending. And because the budget is vital to the operation of the district, HISD wants you to know how it is funded and where the money is spent.  Get your questions answered and find out how you can be involved in the HISD budget process at


HISD Has Three Finalists for 2013 H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards

Teacher and two principals to compete on a statewide level for $500,000 in prizes

HSPVA Principal Dr. R. Scott Allen with H-E-B Montrose location manager Shannon Simpson

Educators from three HISD campuses have been named finalists in the 2013 H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards program, spotlighting them as some of the best educators in Texas.

The finalists from HISD are: 

  • Burbank Middle School teacher Dr. Mary Velasquez
  • The High School for the Performing and Visual Arts Principal Dr. R. Scott Allen
  • Fondren Elementary School Principal Mike Walker Continue reading

Eighth Annual Parent Conference and Resource Fair this Saturday

HISD’s eighth annual Parent Conference and Resource Fair will take place on Saturday, March 2, at Pin Oak Middle School (4601 Glenmont, 77401), from 8 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. The event is hosted by the HISD Special Education Department and Family to Family Network.

Conference highlights include multiple breakout sessions on a wide variety of topics (such as Sibling Support, Apps for Disabilities, and Inappropriate Behavior) and separate sessions for high school students/young adults with disabilities.

Advance registration is required to attend the breakout sessions. To sign up, please visit and click on “Events/ Conference” or call 713-466-6304.

A downloadable flyer is here (.pdf).

Nearly 10,000 HISD Juniors to Participate in Free SAT School Day

District to offer free SAT exam to all juniors during class on Wednesday

For the third consecutive year, the Houston Independent School District will be offering the SAT free of charge to all juniors during class on Wednesday, February 27 in an effort to eliminate barriers, such as work obligations or transportation limitations, which have historically excluded some students from taking this important step toward college readiness.

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