HISD to broadcast virtual town hall for students pursuing college

On Tuesday, April 28, the Houston Independent School District will broadcast a virtual town hall meeting to assist students pursuing postsecondary education options during the COVID-19 crisis.

The virtual town hall, which will air in English and Spanish, will include opening remarks from HISD Interim Superintendent Grenita Lathan and feature panelists with expertise in the areas of:

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HISD, Houston Food Bank distribute over 280,000 pounds of food Saturday at NRG

When HISD Nutrition Services Senior Operations Manager Keith Lewis drove up to NRG Stadium Saturday for the massive food distribution effort, he wasn’t nervous. He was excited.

As he walked up to NRG Stadium’s yellow parking lot site and saw cars wrapped around the block, his excitement grew.

“I knew we had a team of Nutrition Services employees that were going to show up and rock it,” Lewis said. “It’s what we do every single day.”

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Writers in the Schools offers ways to virtually celebrate National Poetry Month

Writers in the Schools (WITS) is helping HISD students celebrate National Poetry Month with virtual offerings to support the transitions of students, families, and educators to online learning.

Historically, WITS has created art installations, organized student readings, and held poetry slams during the month of April. Amidst the outbreak of COVID-19, WITS has developed new, free digital offerings highlighting poetry and amplifying student voices.

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HISD provides supports for parents of special education students

The Houston Independent School District is committed to providing instructional resources to parents of students with disabilities during this time away from school buildings as well as multiple ways to engage children in meaningful learning experiences. 

HISD has updated the special education section of the HISD @ H.O.M.E page to enhance the organization of resources and tools for virtual instruction.

For example, if a student is accessing learning in a Structured Learning Class (SLC), there is a section with resources specific to students being served in this setting. There are also sections for additional placements to include: Preschoolers Achieving Learning Skills (PALS), Preparing Students for Independence (PSI), Skills for Learning and Living (SLL), and Structured Learning Class- Alternative (SLC-Alt). 

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HISD to stay closed for remainder of 2019-2020 school year

In accordance with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s announcement today for all Texas schools, the Houston Independent School District will stay closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.

This decision comes in response to a new executive order by Gov. Abbott to continue safety measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 and that all public and private schools should not reopen for the current school year. Through the end of the school year on June 1, the district will continue online learning and virtual operations at the district level.

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HISD food distributions a team effort to feed families in need

When Brenda Williams learned that the Houston Independent School District was closing due to COVID-19, her first thought was whether she would have enough food to feed her three grandchildren without school meals.

Williams previously received help from a local church, but that option became unavailable due to the pandemic. Now, Williams visits the district’s food distribution sites. The process, she said, is easy. She pulls up, pops her trunk, and the groceries are placed right inside.

“I appreciate what they’re doing, extending their hand to help,” Williams said, noting that staff are always helpful and the line moves fast. “It comes in handy during these times of need. Food on the table is better than no food on the table.”

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New food distribution sites announced for week of April 20

The Houston Independent School District is extending its food distribution program through the week of April 20 and announcing 25 new food distribution sites throughout the district.

Nutrition Services staff will continue to pack food bags at the Hexser T. Holliday Food Services Support Facility and deliver them to the distribution sites. Each site can distribute up to 500 bags — or 15,000 pounds of food — per day.

HISD, Houston Food Bank partner for massive community food distribution effort at NRG on Saturday

As families arrive at sites, nutrition staff minimize contact by filling out the required Emergency Food Assistance Program forms for families and placing food in the trunks of their vehicles. Participants who walk to the sites also must adhere to social distancing requirements.

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Special education section of HISD @ H.O.M.E. enhanced for easy access to resources

The Houston Independent School District has updated the special education section of the HISD @ H.O.M.E page to enhance the organization of resources and tools for virtual instruction.

The district is committed to providing instructional resources to parents of students with disabilities during this time away from school buildings as well as multiple ways to engage children in meaningful learning experiences. 

For example, if a student is accessing learning in a Structured Learning Class (SLC), there is a section with resources specific to students being served in this setting. There are also sections for additional placements to include: Preschoolers Achieving Learning Skills (PALS), Preparing Students for Independence (PSI), Skills for Learning and Living (SLL), and Structured Learning Class- Alternative (SLC-Alt). 

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HISD, Houston Food Bank partner for massive community food distribution effort at NRG on Saturday

The Houston Independent School District is partnering with the Houston Food Bank to organize a mass food distribution site from 4-7 p.m. on Saturday in the parking lot of NRG Stadium.

The goal is to accommodate working families who are unable to visit HISD-sponsored distribution sites during the weekday. The site is expected to distribute 3,000 food bags — or 90,000 pounds of food — in three hours.

New food distribution sites announced for week of April 20

 “Every week at our other food distribution sites we have been able to serve hundreds of families in need,” Interim Superintendent Grenita Lathan said. “Our mission is to continue to help as we partner with the Houston Food Bank and other entities to ensure our students and their loved ones do not go hungry.”

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HISD adopts new grading policy for remainder of school year

For the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year, the Houston Independent School District is adopting a new grading policy in alignment with the implementation of the district’s new online learning system, HISD @ H.O.M.E.

To ensure that students’ grades are not negatively impacted due to the need for online instruction in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic:

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