Ivy League Universities Actively Courting HISD Students

HISD is producing some of the brightest students in the nation—and now those students are attracting attention from some of the most prestigious universities in the country. Two deans and a professor from Yale visited two HISD campuses recently to spread the news that an Ivy League education is well within even the most financially […]

Community Meetings to Share Preliminary Design Concepts for 2012 Bond Schools

Attendees will have the chance to weigh in on proposed drawings and concepts   Editor’s note: This article has been updated to reflect new meetings dates. The Houston Independent School District is hosting a series of community meetings for the first 17 schools slated for construction in the 2012 bond program to give participants a […]

Group Helps District Stay Connected to Hispanic Community

Almost 63 percent of HISD students are Hispanic, and that number is likely to increase as the Houston community continues to diversify. As part of the district’s continuing efforts to engage and empower the local Hispanic community, HISD has created a special advisory committee. The HISD Hispanic Advisory Committee is made up of community leaders […]

Teachers Collaborating and Connecting in Record Numbers

HISD teachers across the district are collaborating and connecting in record numbers thanks to the innovative use of technology. This school year, teachers began using Edmodo, which is a free social-learning platform that allows educators to share resources, ideas, and best practices with colleagues on their campus, at other HISD schools, and with educators around […]

Four HISD Teachers Experience ‘A Day Made Better’ Thanks to OfficeMax

Four HISD teachers experienced “A Day Made Better” recently, when they were chosen along with hundreds of educators across the nation to be honored by OfficeMax for their contributions to the profession.

Applications Now Available for Program that Prepares Students for Ivy League Schools

High school students in grades 9-11 are encouraged to apply for the HISD EMERGE program, which prepares talented HISD students from underserved communities to successfully attend and graduate from Ivy League and other top-tier colleges. The program, which was founded in 2011 at Chavez High School by Yale graduate and then-HISD teacher Richard Cruz, is […]

It Takes More Than Grades to Win a Broad Scholarship

Leadership, initiative, community service, and setting realistic goals are a few of the things that the Broad scholarship review committee will be looking for when it reviews applications this spring. HISD graduates will be applying for $550,000 in scholarships from the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation, thanks to the district winning this year’s Broad Prize […]