Waltrip HS honors school lunch heroes

Waltrip High School wrapped up Teacher Appreciation Week on Friday, May 6, with the presentation of a proclamation from Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner recognizing School Lunch Hero Day. It’s a day of celebration in honor of HISD’s dedicated Nutrition Services staff and the lasting impact their work has on the students they feed every day.

Nutrition Services adds some sweetness to a Valentine’s Day nutritional demonstration at Shadydale ES

The library went silent as a gaggle of Shadydale Elementary third-grade students readied to bite into what was, for most of them, their very first beet. In the quiet, more than forty pairs of little teeth tentatively picked into sliced beet sticks with audible crunches. Thanks to the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP), Shadydale […]

Nutrition Services, military veterans join to plant seeds of hope on 9/11

As the sun rose over Mykawa Farm, Bernadette Plummer gathered with fellow military veterans to build garden beds where students can plant seeds and a gazebo to offer the young agriculturists shade from the Texas heat. Nearby, other volunteers assembled outdoor teaching tables and a hoop house where seeds from HISD school garden will be […]

Lamar senior teaches students about bees at HISD farm

Amongst the blooming plants and swarming insects that lay claim to a sprawling green space in Southwest Houston, stood the youngest of instructors who was developing a buzz all her own. In her final weeks as a senior at Lamar High School, Lisa Rollinson was tapped to lead educational workshops for nearly two dozen students […]

Nutrition Services dietitian recognized as a top dietitian in the state

HISD Nutrition Services Food Literacy Manager Julia Jarrell has been selected as one of the 2019 Texas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Recognized Young Dietitians of the Year. Jarrell was nominated and selected for her progressive work in teaching HISD students how to lead healthy and productive lives through good nutrition. “I love the opportunity […]

HISD ‘Get Growing Houston’ school garden program awarded grant from USDA 

[photoshelter-gallery g_id=”G00004PTFx5HOc.o” g_name=”20180625-SchoolGardens” width=”600″ f_fullscreen=”t” bgtrans=”t” pho_credit=”iptc” twoup=”f” f_bbar=”t” f_bbarbig=”f” fsvis=”f” f_show_caption=”t” crop=”f” f_enable_embed_btn=”t” f_htmllinks=”t” f_l=”t” f_send_to_friend_btn=”f” f_show_slidenum=”t” f_topbar=”f” f_show_watermark=”t” img_title=”casc” linkdest=”c” trans=”xfade” target=”_self” tbs=”5000″ f_link=”t” f_smooth=”f” f_mtrx=”t” f_ap=”t” f_up=”f” height=”400″ btype=”old” bcolor=”#CCCCCC” ] The Houston Independent School District has been awarded a $67,395 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the district’s “Get […]