Don’t let your child’s mind turn to mush

Students across Houston may be waiting anxiously for time off from the classroom and their teachers next week, but that doesn’t mean they have to take time off from learning. Though a week for Spring Break may seem like a short time, it’s important that kids have new and creative experiences to keep their minds […]

Board of Education votes to repurpose Jones and move Dodson

Jones to become specialized Futures Academy; Dodson students will move to Blackshear, Lantrip, and the Rusk School The HISD Board of Education on Thursday voted 6 to 3 to repurpose Jones High School into a specialized Futures Academy with trustees Rhonda Skillern-Jones, Anna Eastman, and Paula Harris opposed. Trustees also voted 5 to 4 to […]

Skillern-Jones participates in school board leadership program

Board of Education District II Trustee Rhonda Skillern-Jones recently met with school board members from across the state to learn the latest on 21st century challenges to leadership and the implications of those trends for educators. The Texas Association of School Boards hosted several training sessions in Corpus Christi. The school board members heard from […]

Board of Education to consider school closures, graduation plan

Proposal would close Jones, Dodson; new graduation plan under HB 5 would include Algebra II requirement The Houston Independent School District Board of Trustees will review proposals to close Jones High School and Dodson Elementary School, and vote on new policies associated with House Bill 5 during a board meeting planned for Thursday, March 13.

Campus meetings put families in-the-know about upcoming changes in high school

Reagan, Washington HB 5 sessions show what’s in store for next year’s ninth-graders High school is changing in a big way for next year’s ninth-grade students, and dozens of HISD families got a jump on finding out how at two community meetings Monday night at Reagan and Washington high schools. The changes are coming as […]

Local subcontractors urged to bid for Delmar construction work

The second bid package for the construction of the new Delmar-Tusa Athletic Complex will include underground and structural concrete site work and will be open for subcontractors to bid on by the end of March.  “If you meet our pre-qualifications, your references come back great, and you’ve done similar projects to this magnitude, all of […]

Notice of destruction of special education records

Attention Parents/Guardians, Former Students, Eligible (Adult) Students: Special Education records which have been collected by the Houston Independent School District (HISD) related to the identification, evaluation, educational placement, or the provision of Special Education in the district, must be maintained under state and federal laws for a period of five years after Special Education services […]

Parents of eighth-graders to get preview of high school under HB 5

Community meetings begin Monday; high school counselors and registrars will be on hand to answer questions about new graduation requirements  What is an “endorsement”? How can my child be eligible for Top 10 percent admissions to college? What does my child do to “supersize” his or her diploma to be more attractive to colleges and […]

HISD Food Services celebrates National Nutrition Month

HISD’s Food Services Department is celebrating National Nutrition Month throughout March. National Nutrition Month is a nutrition and education information campaign celebrated annually in March by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. “Enjoy the Taste […]

Three schools eliminated from HISD closure, consolidation proposal

The Houston Independent School District Board of Trustees will review proposals to close Jones High School and Dodson Elementary School during the March 13 board meeting. Three of the five schools – Nathaniel Q. Henderson Elementary School, Port Houston Elementary School, and Fleming Middle School – originally proposed for closure have been removed from consideration […]