HISD observing Vaping Prevention Week with school activities to raise awareness

Vaping Prevention Week is December 16-20, and in an effort to highlight the dangers and risks associated with vaping and e-cigarette use among youths, HISD campuses will be focusing on a different activity each day. 

Schools will be raising awareness with the following daily classroom exercises:  

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School Choice Phase I application deadline approaching for 2020-2021 school year 

Parents who want their child to attend one of the district’s choice programs for the 2020-2021 school year must apply by Friday, Dec. 6, to be included in the first round of consideration. 

Any applications received after the Dec. 6 Phase I deadline will be considered only for schools where space is still available. 

Parents who still aren’t sure which school they want their child to attend next year are invited to attend a final school tour this Thursday, Dec. 5. Arrive at 9 a.m. for elementary and K-8 schools, and at 1 p.m. for secondary schools.  

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Moody’s Investors Service affirms HISD’s triple A rating

Moody’s Investors Service has affirmed the Aaa (triple A) bond rating for the Houston Independent School District following a recent review. 

In its ratings report, Moody’s stated, among other factors, HISD’s excellent credit fundamentals are supported by a history of strong operating performance guided by an experienced management team, which has allowed for the maintenance of healthy reserve and liquidity levels.  

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HISD graduate studying at Yale selected as Rhodes Scholar

Liana Wang (Photo credit: The Rhodes Trust)

Bellaire HS alum and EMERGE program participant Liana Wang among 32 U.S. students chosen for elite honor

Houston Independent School District graduate Liana Wang has been selected to join the 2020 Rhodes Scholarship class from a pool of nearly 1,000 U.S. applicants who attend top colleges and universities throughout the nation.

“This is a testament to the community that has brought me here: my family, friends, professors, and supporters throughout my life, including my teachers and mentors in EMERGE and HISD,” Wang said. “They motivate my work, and I hope my time at Oxford helps me better achieve my goals of pursuing a more just and equitable society.”

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Nutrition Services celebrates Thanksgiving with healthier lunch

Parents flooded the Lantrip Elementary School cafeteria Thursday as they joined their children — clad in pilgrim hats, white bonnets, and colorful turkey headbands — for a nutritious Thanksgiving lunch.  

The annual celebration hosted by HISD’s Nutrition Services has attracted thousands of families to school cafeterias for more than 50 years. This year’s menu included roasted turkey with gravy, cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, a fresh fruit medley, and ice cream. 

“We get a ton of volunteers, but it takes everyone,” Lantrip Principal Magdalena Strickland said, noting that about half of the school’s 700 families participate in the Thanksgiving lunch each year. “When parents know you care for their kids, they’ll go above and beyond.” 

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Transportation Services ridership audit underway

Transportation Services has eliminated more than two dozen routes as part of an ongoing comprehensive review of bus ridership at 15 select schools. 

The review is focused on schools with low ridership, despite having a high volume of students who are eligible for transportation and have been assigned routes. Reviews have been completed at nine schools, with the remaining six to be finished before the end of the year.  

The department has cut 25 routes since the start of the review, bringing the overall number of routes down to 775 — a five percent decrease.  

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Fidget spinners, iPhones top the list in Longfellow ES annual toy survey

Students at Longfellow Elementary School on Friday announced that iPhones and Fidget Spinners are two of the hottest toys this holiday season after polling their classmates for their annual top toy survey.

For the tenth consecutive year, a group of fifth-graders at the school surveyed their classmates to determine what gifts kids would like to receive for the holidays. In a mid-morning press conference, students announced the top five toys for boys and girls. The goal of the survey is to help give parents and relatives an idea of what to buy before they do their holiday shopping.

“Every year fifth-grade students at our school interview students in every grade level to see what the most wanted toys will be for the holiday season,” fifth-grader Chase said. “We are a lighthouse school and we used those ideas to be successful in completing the toy survey.”

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ROSES inaugural women’s forum focuses on effects of social media

The Houston Independent School District’s Resilient Outstanding Sisters Exemplifying Success (ROSES) project on Thursday hosted its inaugural professional women’s forum to discuss the effects of social media on education and society, especially as it relates to the well-being of young, underserved female students.  

The forum, which was titled “Effects of Social Media on Education and Society”, was held at Sterling Aviation Early College High School and was moderated by Telemundo News Anchor Ingrid Barrera. Panelists included leaders in education, law enforcement and human resources.

Throughout the evening they discussed the different impacts social media has on society, such as communications, societal standards and privacy.

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HISD to celebrate 12 Days of Code with a new coding experience every day

HISD is inviting all students to celebrate the 12 Days of Code in December with interactive calendars that allow them to engage in a new coding experience every day.  

Coding helps students solve problems, use logic, and think creatively, and it gives them a foundation for success in 21st century careers. The activities in these three calendars for elementary, middle, and high school include lessons such as designing web pages with HTML, creating a virtual pet, developing interactive art, and even teaching a robot to make crepes. 

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Briarmeadow Charter, Wilson Montessori students win Nutrition Services jingle contest

Some students whispered excitedly among themselves, while others jumped up and down in anticipation. All of them peered curiously at the group of strangers in their classrooms. 

These creative students from Briarmeadow Charter School and Wilson Montessori School were thrilled to discover they had won the Nutrition Services’ National School Lunch Week jingle contest.  

“It was a bit shocking,” Briarmeadow sixth-grader Gabriella Perez said. “We’re proud of ourselves for creating a song and getting recognized.” 

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