As another school year draws to a close, HISD seniors are not only preparing for exams, prom and graduation, but for the vast and unknowable world that awaits them after high school. In acknowledgement of the bright and exciting futures that await them, HISD granted the Superintendent Scholars Award to an outstanding senior from each high school, and bestowed an additional honor to the Superintendent’s hand-picked top 10.
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HISD receives prestigious designation for excellence in budget presentation
The number-crunchers in HISD’s Office of Budgeting and Financial Planning have a lot on their plate on the average day, but since the COVID-19 pandemic, the change in metric for what we prioritize as individuals and as a community has created all new challenges for them to rise to.
As we adjust to our new normal, it is more important than ever that HISD’s budget is curated in a transparent and detailed way that clearly communicates the goals and urgencies of the district. With these objectives in mind, HISD submitted its budget presentation for consideration for the Meritorious Budget Award (MBA) and was awarded the title for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
Continue readingPrincipals of the Year honored with surprise celebrations at their campuses
Each year, HISD honors two principals who represent the very best things that the district’s leadership has to offer. This year’s honorees, Principals Amanda Wingard and Keoshya Dunn, were recognized at their home campuses in surprise celebrations orchestrated by their students and colleagues. Superintendent Millard House II was present to present Wingard and Dunn with certificates of appreciation for their outstanding service to their schools and the HISD community.
Food service attendant receives October Customer Service Impact Award
Each morning, food service attendant Pamela Cole makes her way down the special education hallway at Milby High School to serve a nutritious breakfast to her favorite students, each of whom she knows by name.
One day, Nutrition Services Team Lead Mari Thibodeaux assigned someone else to that hallway.
“The teacher called and said her students were waiting for Ms. Pam,” Thibodeaux said. “Can you believe they didn’t want anyone but her? It’s because she exudes excellence in all that she does.”
Continue readingOfficers challenged to ‘make a difference’ at HISD Police awards luncheon
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HISD Police Chief Robert Mock encouraged his officers to get to know and build relationships with students, as he addressed the group at the department’s 20th Annual Awards Luncheon on Friday.
“You have the ability get to know these students and intervene in their lives,” Mock said. “I challenge each one of you to choose to make a difference.”
HISD police officers, personnel, and family members gathered at Brady’s Landing restaurant for the event, which celebrates the achievements, contributions, and outstanding customer service provided by the department during the academic school year. Continue reading
HISD wins five Golden Achievement Awards, multiple other NSPRA honors
The Houston Independent School District has received 14 National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) awards, including five Golden Achievement Awards.
The Golden Achievement Awards, the highest honor given by the organization, were for the following:
- 2017 HISD State of the Schools communications campaign, which included a dedicated website, invitation, program, and other materials.
- Listen and Learn Tour to introduce new HISD Superintendent Richard Carranza to the community, complete with branding, flyers, online survey, and signage – as well as a live “virtual” town hall meeting streamed on district’s website, social media, and TV channel.
- Family-Friendly Schools Certification, including a video, branding materials, and a dedicated website.
- Social Media Scorecard to provide schools with feedback on their social media channels and school websites. The Communications team created a rubric for grading and provided the feedback in customized reports for each school, as well as resources and best practices.
- 2016 Educators of the Year, including branding for the superhero-themed event, signage, and a social media campaign.