Tag Archives: principals

HISD partners with Prairie View A&M for M.Ed. opportunity for teachers

In order to permanently improve every D- and F-rated campus, HISD is transforming how it serves those students by launching the RISE transformation cohort beginning in School Year 2022-2023.

HISD and Prairie View A&M University are collaborating to offer teachers who are aspiring leaders the Master of Educational Leadership. Join Whitlowe R. Green College of Education to learn more about the M.Ed. degree in Educational Administration with Principal Certification.

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Ugly sweater contest proves positive for principals meeting

Sometimes the “ugliest” clothes can be the most festive.

At Wednesday’s principals meeting at the Kingdom Builder’s Center, principals and district staff came together for the first in-person meeting since the start of the pandemic. To celebrate the occasion, as well as the holiday season, an ugly holiday sweater contest was held, and the HISD principals came dressed to (not) impress.

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