Most middle schoolers wouldn’t envision themselves producing and starring in their own TV show, writing lines of code to program 3-D prints, or building computers from scratch, but for Burbank Middle School Technology Applications students, that’s an average Wednesday. Under the guidance of Technology teacher Sergio Luviano, Burbank students have the opportunity to master complex technological concepts through engaging projects and real-world application in this unique elective class.
Continue readingTag Archives: Magnet/School Choice
National School Choice Week: Phase I application deadline Feb. 2
National School Choice Week (NSCW) 2023 runs Jan. 22-28 and aims to inform, inspire, and empower parents and caregivers to discover education options available for their children. Houston Independent School District has a variety of options across 274 campuses, including magnet and vanguard programs, career and technical education, early college, dual language, international baccalaureate schools, fine arts, and options for early childhood education and pre-K.
Continue readingHISD hosting enrollment events for pre-K parents

HISD is offering one-on-one support for parents and caregivers seeking assistance with enrolling their child in pre-K for the 2023-2024 school year.
Elementary schools that offer pre-k programs and Early Childhood Centers will participate in a pre-K fair on Wednesday, Feb. 1, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Continue readingHISD announces seven new magnet programs
The Office of School Choice hosted its second districtwide School Choice Fair on Saturday, Dec. 10, where seven new HISD magnet programs were revealed.
Continue readingWaltrip HS Engineering Program recognized for high number of certifications
The engineering application company SOLIDWORKS recognized Waltrip High School for having one of the highest number of CSWA certifications in the state.
Representatives from SOLIDWORKS, Lab Resources, and Houston ISD’s Career and Technical Education Department visited the campus and its engineering students on Wednesday.
Prekindergarten application fair draws a crowd as parents take steps to enroll their 3- and 4-year-olds
More than 600 families made the step to set their 3- and 4-year-olds up for success on Saturday by applying for prekindergarten in HISD. All elementary and early childhood campuses across the district opened their doors to provide in-person, one-on-one support to families through the application process. Support was also available over the phone and virtually.
Continue readingStudents discover the sky’s the limit on DiscoverU field trip
High school students from across HISD attended a day-long field trip to Space Center Houston recently.
The trip, sponsored by Houston-based nonprofit organization DiscoverU, was the culmination of an outreach effort led by HISD’s College and Career Readiness Department that resulted in 57 eleventh-graders being admitted into NASA’s High School Aerospace Scholars (HAS) program. All students who were accepted were invited to register for the free field trip, and 51 attended.
Activities included a tour of Building 9 and Rocket Park, an astronaut talk in Space Center Theater, and a chance to explore Space Center Houston.
“Being able to a meet an astronaut was inspiring,” said Energy junior Cynthia Gomez. “They set a high goal and accomplished it.”
Students from the following high schools went on the trip: Bellaire, Carnegie, Eastwood Academy, Energy Institute, Heights, HSPVA, Madison, Mickey Leland College Prep, North Houston Early College, Northside, Sharpstown, Texas Connections Academy, Washington, and Westside. A few tenth-graders from Madison and Washington also attended.
DiscoverU’s aim was to expose students to Space Center Houston and provide an in-person introduction to the program, with the goal of encouraging and empowering HISD students to complete the five-month online course and get a chance to spend a week at Johnson Space Center next summer.
It was also an opportunity for students to meet others in the program who share their interest in aerospace engineering.
“The trip was amazing,” said Washington sophomore Jesus Reynaga. “It really gave me insight into what I want to do when I grow up.”
New Energy Institute HS helps students, staff embrace project-based learning
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A big smile spread across Samaya Watson’s face as she looked around the wide, brightly colored hallway adorned with inspirational phrases and clusters of modern furniture, where she and her classmates could gather.
“It feels like I’m in a Disney movie,” the 16-year-old Energy Institute High School junior said, giggling as she joked that she was expecting her classmates to break out into song and dance at any moment. “The atmosphere is different. Everybody just feels excited to learn and do new things.” Continue reading